Bill Hyde Family
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Husband: SWOAPE, Samuel Ross
- born 26Jun1870 Warren Co., Tn
- buried Trousdale Cemtery Jacksboro,Warren Co.Tn
- marr 14Jan1891 Warren Co., Tn
Wife: RAINES, Annie Birdine
- born 23Apr1854 Warren Co., Tn
- buried Trousdale Cemtery Jacksboro,Warren Co.Tn
Children:- f : SWOAPE, Elizabeth (Lizzie)
- born 10Oct1892
- buried Riverside Cemetery Woodbury Tennessee
- f : SWOAPE, Cora
- born 12Jul1894
- buried Trousdale Cemtery Jacksboro,Warren Co.Tn
SWOAPE, Samuel Ross
| RAINS, John (Ii)
| RAINS, John (Iii)|
| | | HASKETT, *Unknown
| RAINS, Larkin |
| | | WILLIAMS, Jane
| RAINES, Annie Birdine|
| CURTIS, Elizabeth
Husband: GAITHER, Edward
Wife: _____, UnknownChildren:- m : GAITHER, Amos
| | BLACK, Jane
GAITHER, Benjamin|
| | RILEY, Anne (Ruley)
GAITHER, Edward|
| | JACOB, Rachel
| _____, Unknown
Husband: GAITHER, Amos
Wife: RAINS, MatildaChildren:- m : GAITHER, Silas
- m : GAITHER, Isaac Rains
- born 5Dec1845
- buried Milton Cemetery
- f : GAITHER, Mary J.
GAITHER, Benjamin|
| | RILEY, Anne (Ruley)
GAITHER, Edward |
| | JACOB, Rachel
| | _____, Unknown
| RAINS, John(I)(Ca)
| RAINS, John (Ii) |
| | | HAMMER, Mary (Ca)
| RAINS, John (Iii)|
| | | HASKETT, *Unknown
| RAINS, Matilda|
Husband: GAITHER, Isaac Rains
- born 5Dec1845
- buried Milton Cemetery
Wife: FRANCIS, Lucinda
- born 8Sep1860
- buried Milton Cemetery
Children:- m : GAITHER, James Wilson
- born Died Young Never Married
- f : GAITHER, Minnie
- born
- buried Milton Cemetery, Milton, Tn
- f : GAITHER, Maude
- born
- buried Milton Cemetery, Milton, Tn
- m : GAITHER, Zellon
- born 2Dec1879
- buried Milton Cemetery, Milton, Tn
- m : GAITHER, Jesse Edward
- born 6Sep1880 Cannon Co., Tn
- buried Donnell Cemetery, Auburntown, Tn
- f : GAITHER, Ethel
- born 24May1882
- died Milton Cemetery, Milton, Tn
- f : GAITHER, Daisy M.
- born 3Nov1884 Never Married
- buried Milton Cemetery, Milton, Tn
- f : GAITHER, Ada
- born 28Sep1885
- buried Milton Cemetery, Milton, Tn
- f : GAITHER, Pearl
- born 19Nov1891
- buried Milton Cemetery, Milton, Tn
- m : GAITHER, Oscar
- born 24Jul1895
- buried Milton Cemetery, Milton, Tn
- m : GAITHER, King
- born 28Feb1897
- buried Milton Cemetery, Milton, Tn
- m : GAITHER, Thomas Elmer
- born 23Nov1899
- buried Evergreen Cemetery, Murfreesboro, Tn
GAITHER, Benjamin
GAITHER, Edward |
| | JACOB, Rachel
| | _____, Unknown
GAITHER, Isaac Rains|
| | RAINS, John (Ii)
| | RAINS, John (Iii)|
| | | | HASKETT, *Unknown
| | RAINS, Matilda|
| | WILLIAMS, Jane
| FRANCIS, Lucinda
Husband: BURKS, Ozle Lavaughn
- born 1Dec1933 Warren Co., Tn
- buried Eastwood Cemetery Hendersonville, Tn
- marr 4Feb1954 Springfield Robertson Co., Tn
Wife: MILLER, Doyle Mae
- born 20Dec1929 Macon Co., Tn
Children:- f : BURKS, Beverly Cecile
- born 11Dec1957 Davidson Co., Tn
- m : BURKS, Mark Miller
- born 9Apr1962 Davidson Co., Tn
BURKS, Charlie Herod
BURKS, Granvil Sterling|
| | HULETT, George Madison
| | HULETT, Margie |
| | WILSON, Millie Susanna
BURKS, Ozle Lavaughn|
| | BAIN, Willie Lee
| MILLER, Dorotha
| MILLER, Doyle Mae |
| WALROND, Lorene
Husband: STALLINGS, Joseph House
- born 27Jul1930 Nashville, Tn
- marr 12Sep1958 Smith Co., Tn
Wife: BURKS, Viva JoyceChildren:- m : STALLINGS, Joseph Michael
- born 13May1965 Portland, Sumner Co., Tn
- f : STALLINGS, Lanita Susan
- born 31Dec1968 Davidson Co., Tn
STALLINGS, Joseph House
| BURKS, Charlie Herod
| BURKS, Granvil Sterling|
| | | HULETT, George Madison
| | | HULETT, Margie |
| | | WILSON, Millie Susanna
| BURKS, Viva Joyce |
| BAIN, Willie Lee
Husband: MILLER, Dorotha
Wife: WALROND, LoreneChildren:- f : MILLER, Doyle Mae
- born 20Dec1929 Macon Co., Tn
Husband: KENT, Richard Charles
- born 5Aug1949 Manhatten, Kansas
- marr 24Jun1989 Lexington, Ky
Wife: BURKS, Beverly Cecile
- born 11Dec1957 Davidson Co., Tn
KENT, Ormal F.
KENT, Richard Charles|
| | SAVAGE, Violet Marie
| BURKS, Charlie Herod
| BURKS, Granvil Sterling|
| | | HULETT, Margie
| BURKS, Ozle Lavaughn|
| | | BAIN, Willie Lee
| BURKS, Beverly Cecile|
| MILLER, Dorotha
| MILLER, Doyle Mae |
| WALROND, Lorene
Husband: KENT, Ormal F.
Wife: SAVAGE, Violet MarieChildren:- m : KENT, Richard Charles
- born 5Aug1949 Manhatten, Kansas
Husband: STALLINGS, Joseph Michael
- born 13May1965 Portland, Sumner Co., Tn
- marr 8Feb1992 Davidson Co., Tn
Wife: GARRISON, Claudia
- born 14Jan1969 Davidson Co., Tn
Children:- m : STALLINGS, Garrison Michael
- m : STALLINGS, Jonathan Burke
STALLINGS, Joseph House
STALLINGS, Joseph Michael|
| | BURKS, Charlie Herod
| | BURKS, Granvil Sterling|
| | | | HULETT, Margie
| | BURKS, Viva Joyce |
| | BAIN, Willie Lee
| GARRISON, Claudia |
| SCALES, Phylis
Husband: GARRISON, Paul
Wife: SCALES, PhylisChildren:- f : GARRISON, Claudia
- born 14Jan1969 Davidson Co., Tn
Husband: BURKS, Wendell Gordon
- born 21Mar1935 Warren Co., Tn
- marr 10Oct1959 Warren Co., Tn
Wife: ROWLAND, Lilly Faye
- born 23Jun1940 Rutherford Co., Tn
Children:- m : BURKS, Ronnie Dale
- born 6Sep1961 Satanta, Haskell Co., Ks
- f : BURKS, Rita Gail
- born 31Mar1963 Guymon, Ok
- m : BURKS, Randy Gordon
- born 9Mar1965 Guymon, Texas Co., Ok
BURKS, Charlie Herod
BURKS, Leslie Dalton |
| | HULETT, George Madison
| | HULETT, Margie |
| | WILSON, Millie Susanna
BURKS, Wendell Gordon|
| | DENNIS, Thelma Mae
| ROWLAND, John D.
| ROWLAND, Lilly Faye |
| CARLTON, Maude Louise
Husband: FRANKLIN, Kenneth Dale
- born 25Jul1942 Tula, Ms
- marr 23Mar1979 Memphis, Tn
Wife: BURKS, Shirley Jean
FRANKLIN, Kenneth Dale
| BURKS, Charlie Herod
| BURKS, Leslie Dalton|
| | | HULETT, George Madison
| | | HULETT, Margie |
| | | WILSON, Millie Susanna
| BURKS, Shirley Jean |
| DENNIS, Thelma Mae
Husband: MEDLEY, James Arthur
Wife: BURKS, Shirley JeanChildren:- m : MEDLEY, Terry Lynn
- born 31Dec1958 Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tn
- f : MEDLEY, Lesa Dawn
- born 17Feb1961 Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tn
MEDLEY, James Arthur
| BURKS, Charlie Herod
| BURKS, Leslie Dalton|
| | | HULETT, George Madison
| | | HULETT, Margie |
| | | WILSON, Millie Susanna
| BURKS, Shirley Jean |
| DENNIS, Thelma Mae
Husband: BURKS, Roger Dennis
Wife: ROWLAND, Judy MaeChildren:- f : BURKS, Andrena Denise
- born 19Nov1966 Goldsboro, Nc
BURKS, Charlie Herod
BURKS, Leslie Dalton|
| | HULETT, George Madison
| | HULETT, Margie |
| | WILSON, Millie Susanna
BURKS, Roger Dennis|
| | DENNIS, Thelma Mae
| ROWLAND, Judy Mae
Husband: BURKS, Roger Dennis
- born 29Feb1944 Warren Co., Tn
- marr 17Oct1976 Warren Co., Tn
- Other wives: ROWLAND, Judy Mae;
Wife: LANCE, Peggy Jo
- born 15Apr1957 Warren Co., Tn
Children:- m : BURKS, Cameron Heath
- born 24Mar1979 Cannon Co., Tn
BURKS, Charlie Herod
BURKS, Leslie Dalton |
| | HULETT, George Madison
| | HULETT, Margie |
| | WILSON, Millie Susanna
BURKS, Roger Dennis|
| | DENNIS, Thelma Mae
| LANCE, Eldon Devaughn
| LANCE, Peggy Jo |
| HARVEY, Bessie Beatrice
Husband: MESSICK, Edward Lee
- born 22Mar1950 Coffee Co., Tn
- marr 10Oct1975 Warren Co., Tn
Wife: BURKS, Vicki Carol
- born 20Feb1956 Warren Co., Tn
MESSICK, Edward Lee|
| | HARPER, Clara Adele
| BURKS, Charlie Herod
| BURKS, Leslie Dalton|
| | | HULETT, George Madison
| | | HULETT, Margie |
| | | WILSON, Millie Susanna
| BURKS, Vicki Carol |
| DENNIS, Thelma Mae
Husband: ROWLAND, John D.
Wife: CARLTON, Maude LouiseChildren:- f : ROWLAND, Lilly Faye
- born 23Jun1940 Rutherford Co., Tn
Husband: SIMMONS, David
- born 11Sep1967 Warren Co., Tn
Wife: BURKS, Rita Gail
- born 31Mar1963 Guymon, Ok
Children:- m : SIMMONS, Kenneth Gordon
| BURKS, Charlie Herod
| BURKS, Leslie Dalton |
| | | HULETT, Margie
| BURKS, Wendell Gordon|
| | | DENNIS, Thelma Mae
| BURKS, Rita Gail|
| ROWLAND, John D.
| ROWLAND, Lilly Faye |
| CARLTON, Maude Louise
Husband: BURKS, Randy Gordon
- born 9Mar1965 Guymon, Texas Co., Ok
- marr 21Sep1984 Cannon Co., Tn
Wife: NEWBY, Karen K.
- born 22Mar1965 Warren Co., Tn
BURKS, Charlie Herod
BURKS, Leslie Dalton |
| | HULETT, Margie
BURKS, Wendell Gordon|
| | DENNIS, Thelma Mae
BURKS, Randy Gordon|
| | ROWLAND, John D.
| | ROWLAND, Lilly Faye |
| | CARLTON, Maude Louise
| NEWBY, Earl (Pepper)
| NEWBY, Karen K. |
| STILES, Elsie
Husband: NEWBY, Earl (Pepper)
Wife: STILES, ElsieChildren:- f : NEWBY, Karen K.
- born 22Mar1965 Warren Co., Tn
Husband: MEDLEY, Terry Lynn
Wife: KING, MicheleChildren:- m : MEDLEY, James Michael
- born 4Sep1986
- died 4Sep1986
MEDLEY, James Arthur
MEDLEY, Terry Lynn|
| | BURKS, Charlie Herod
| | BURKS, Leslie Dalton|
| | | | HULETT, Margie
| | BURKS, Shirley Jean |
| | DENNIS, Thelma Mae
| KING, Michele
Husband: MEDLEY, Terry Lynn
- born 31Dec1958 Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tn
- marr 10Sep1992
- Other wives: KING, Michele;
Wife: CURSEY, Barbara Jo
MEDLEY, James Arthur
MEDLEY, Terry Lynn|
| | BURKS, Charlie Herod
| | BURKS, Leslie Dalton|
| | | | HULETT, Margie
| | BURKS, Shirley Jean |
| | DENNIS, Thelma Mae
| CURSEY, Thomas Jerry
| CURSEY, Barbara Jo|
| COLLIE, Barbara Ann
Husband: PARKER, Lynn
Wife: MEDLEY, Lesa Dawn
- born 17Feb1961 Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tn
- Other husbands: CHANDLER, Don;
Children:- f : PARKER, Ashley Micole
- born 18Jan1979 Memphis, Tn
| MEDLEY, James Arthur
| MEDLEY, Lesa Dawn|
| BURKS, Charlie Herod
| BURKS, Leslie Dalton|
| | | HULETT, Margie
| BURKS, Shirley Jean |
| DENNIS, Thelma Mae
Husband: CHANDLER, Don
Wife: MEDLEY, Lesa Dawn
- born 17Feb1961 Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tn
- Other husbands: PARKER, Lynn;
| MEDLEY, James Arthur
| MEDLEY, Lesa Dawn|
| BURKS, Charlie Herod
| BURKS, Leslie Dalton|
| | | HULETT, Margie
| BURKS, Shirley Jean |
| DENNIS, Thelma Mae
Husband: CARTER, James Leon
- born 9Sep1965 Fayetteville, Nc
Wife: BURKS, Andrena Denise
- born 19Nov1966 Goldsboro, Nc
CARTER, James Leon
| BURKS, Charlie Herod
| BURKS, Leslie Dalton|
| | | HULETT, Margie
| BURKS, Roger Dennis|
| | | DENNIS, Thelma Mae
| BURKS, Andrena Denise|
| ROWLAND, Judy Mae
Husband: LANCE, Eldon Devaughn
Wife: HARVEY, Bessie BeatriceChildren:- f : LANCE, Peggy Jo
- born 15Apr1957 Warren Co., Tn
Husband: MESSICK, Le Roy
Wife: HARPER, Clara AdeleChildren:- m : MESSICK, Edward Lee
- born 22Mar1950 Coffee Co., Tn
Husband: CURSEY, Thomas Jerry
Wife: COLLIE, Barbara AnnChildren:- f : CURSEY, Barbara Jo
Husband: ANDERSON, Barney
Wife: JENNINGS, JessieChildren:- f : ANDERSON, Judioth Ann
Husband: CASEY, Charles Thomas
- born 15Feb1941 Detroit, Mi
- buried 14Jul1985 Caney Branch Cemetery Warren Co., Tn
- marr 24Oct1966 Elcott City, Md
Wife: KENDALL, Phyllis Hyacinth
- born 20Jul1945 Ships Cove, Newfoundland, Canada
Children:- f : CASEY, Kimberly Dawn
- born 13Sep1969 Murfreesboro, Rutherford Co., Tn Hosp.
CASEY, Thomas Clifford (Tip)
CASEY, Charles Thomas |
| | BURKS, Charlie Herod
| | BURKS, Iris Evelyn |
| | HULETT, George Madison
| | HULETT, Margie |
| | WILSON, Millie Susanna
| KENDALL, Hubert
| KENDALL, Phyllis Hyacinth|
| WHALEN, Helen
Husband: KENDALL, Hubert
Wife: WHALEN, HelenChildren:- f : KENDALL, Phyllis Hyacinth
- born 20Jul1945 Ships Cove, Newfoundland, Canada
Husband: CANTRELL, James Bradley
- born 20Sep1969 Warren Co., Tn
- marr 22Jul1988 Mcminnville, Warren Co., Tn
Wife: CASEY, Kimberly Dawn
- born 13Sep1969 Murfreesboro, Rutherford Co., Tn Hosp.
Children:- f : CANTRELL, Shelby Nicole
- born 13Nov1992 Murfreesboro, Rutherford Co., Tn
CANTRELL, Glenn Alden
CANTRELL, James Bradley|
| | GRIBBLE, Lynda
| | CASEY, Thomas Clifford (Tip)
| CASEY, Charles Thomas |
| | | BURKS, Charlie Herod
| | | BURKS, Iris Evelyn |
| | | HULETT, Margie
| CASEY, Kimberly Dawn |
| KENDALL, Hubert
| KENDALL, Phyllis Hyacinth|
| WHALEN, Helen
Husband: CANTRELL, Glenn Alden
Wife: GRIBBLE, LyndaChildren:- m : CANTRELL, James Bradley
- born 20Sep1969 Warren Co., Tn
Husband: DAVENPORT, James Cecil
- born 28May1942 Warren Co., Tn
- marr 15Aug1962 Warren Co., Tn
Wife: WADE, Jeannie Kaye
- born 26Nov1944 Warren Co., Tn
Children:- f : DAVENPORT, Amy Beth
- born 17May1965 Warren Co., Tn
- f : DAVENPORT, Marla Suzanne
- m : DAVENPORT, Matthew James
- born 3Oct1974 Warren Co., Tn
DAVENPORT, Maynard Grant
DAVENPORT, Cecil Oren|
| | WARREN, Claudie Ann
DAVENPORT, James Cecil|
| | BURKS, Charlie Herod
| | BURKS, Audrey May |
| | HULETT, George Madison
| | HULETT, Margie |
| | WILSON, Millie Susanna
| WADE, Mose Alton.
| WADE, Turney Cleveland |
| | | SMOOT, Iola Julia
| WADE, Turney C. |
| | | RITCHE, George William
| | | RITCHE, Willa Elizabeth |
| | | FLETCHER, Maggie Elizabeth
| WADE, Jeannie Kaye |
| TEETERS, Julia
Husband: BESS, Billy Gerald
Wife: DAVENPORT, Margie EvelynChildren:- m : BESS, Mark Christopher
- born 19Oct1965 Warren Co., Tn
- f : BESS, Margie Lashelle
- born 28Jul1967
- died 4Dec1968 Rutherford Co., Tn
- f : BESS, Audra Leanne
- born 26Oct1970 Rutherford Co., Tn
BESS, Billy Gerald
| DAVENPORT, Maynard Grant
| DAVENPORT, Cecil Oren|
| | | WARREN, Claudie Ann
| DAVENPORT, Margie Evelyn|
| BURKS, Charlie Herod
| BURKS, Audrey May |
| HULETT, George Madison
| HULETT, Margie |
| WILSON, Millie Susanna
Husband: MCLOUD, Samuel Sullivan
- born 9Jan1949
- marr 14Mar1992
Wife: DAVENPORT, Margie Evelyn
MCLOUD, Hollis
MCLOUD, Samuel Sullivan |
| | FARLEY, Roxie
| DAVENPORT, Maynard Grant
| DAVENPORT, Cecil Oren|
| | | WARREN, Claudie Ann
| DAVENPORT, Margie Evelyn|
| BURKS, Charlie Herod
| BURKS, Audrey May |
| HULETT, George Madison
| HULETT, Margie |
| WILSON, Millie Susanna
Husband: DAVENPORT, Charles Wayne
- born 14Jun1946 Warren Co., Tn
- marr 7Dec1968 Warren Co., Tn
Wife: WILLIAMS, Betty JoyceChildren:- f : DAVENPORT, Nedra Michele
- born 4Nov1971 Warren Co., Tn
- m : DAVENPORT, Bradley Wayne
- born 18Jun1974 Warren Co., Tn
DAVENPORT, Maynard Grant
DAVENPORT, Cecil Oren|
| | WARREN, Claudie Ann
DAVENPORT, Charles Wayne|
| | BURKS, Charlie Herod
| | BURKS, Audrey May |
| | HULETT, George Madison
| | HULETT, Margie |
| | WILSON, Millie Susanna
| WILLIAMS, Betty Joyce |
| MADDUX, Joann
Husband: WADE, Turney C.
Wife: TEETERS, JuliaChildren:- f : WADE, Jeannie Kaye
- born 26Nov1944 Warren Co., Tn
WADE, Craven A.
WADE, Mose Alton. |
| | WILSON, Ruth Jane
WADE, Turney Cleveland |
| | SMOOT, Iola Julia
WADE, Turney C.|
| | RITCHE, George William
| | RITCHE, Willa Elizabeth|
| | FLETCHER, James Knox Polk
| | FLETCHER, Maggie Elizabeth|
| | STREET, Jertha Ann
| TEETERS, Julia
Husband: BUCKNER, Michael G.
- born 22May1965
- marr 6Apr1991 Viola, Warren Co., Tn
Wife: DAVENPORT, Amy Beth
- born 17May1965 Warren Co., Tn
BUCKNER, Michael G.|
| | BALTIMORE, Verna
| DAVENPORT, Maynard Grant
| DAVENPORT, Cecil Oren|
| | | WARREN, Claudie Ann
| DAVENPORT, James Cecil|
| | | BURKS, Charlie Herod
| | | BURKS, Audrey May |
| | | HULETT, Margie
| DAVENPORT, Amy Beth|
| WADE, Turney Cleveland
| WADE, Turney C. |
| | | RITCHE, Willa Elizabeth
| WADE, Jeannie Kaye |
| TEETERS, Julia
Husband: CANTRELL, Robert Lynn
- born 10Jun1971
- marr 3Aug1990 Warren Co., Tn
Wife: DAVENPORT, Marla Suzanne
CANTRELL, Robert Layne
CANTRELL, Robert Lynn |
| | RAY, Juanita
| | DAVENPORT, Maynard Grant
| DAVENPORT, Cecil Oren|
| | | WARREN, Claudie Ann
| DAVENPORT, James Cecil|
| | | BURKS, Charlie Herod
| | | BURKS, Audrey May |
| | | HULETT, Margie
| DAVENPORT, Marla Suzanne|
| WADE, Turney Cleveland
| WADE, Turney C. |
| | | RITCHE, Willa Elizabeth
| WADE, Jeannie Kaye |
| TEETERS, Julia
Husband: BUCKNER, J. R.
Wife: BALTIMORE, VernaChildren:- m : BUCKNER, Michael G.
Husband: CANTRELL, Robert Layne
Wife: RAY, JuanitaChildren:- m : CANTRELL, Robert Lynn
Husband: BESS, Mark Christopher
- born 19Oct1965 Warren Co., Tn
- marr 5Sep1986 Warren Co., Tn
Wife: BOULDIN, Stephanie Diane
- born 27Apr1968 Warren Co., Tn
Children:- f : BESS, Kayla Lenae
- born 10Dec1989 Warren Co., Tn
BESS, Billy Gerald
BESS, Mark Christopher |
| | DAVENPORT, Maynard Grant
| | DAVENPORT, Cecil Oren|
| | | | WARREN, Claudie Ann
| | DAVENPORT, Margie Evelyn|
| | BURKS, Charlie Herod
| | BURKS, Audrey May |
| | HULETT, Margie
| BOULDIN, Wilmus Carl
| BOULDIN, Stephanie Diane|
| HUDSON, Frances Claudine
Husband: BOULDIN, Wilmus Carl
Wife: HUDSON, Frances ClaudineChildren:- f : BOULDIN, Stephanie Diane
- born 27Apr1968 Warren Co., Tn
Husband: MCLOUD, Hollis
Wife: FARLEY, RoxieChildren:- m : MCLOUD, Samuel Sullivan
Husband: FULTS, Robert Lawson
- born 4Feb1970 Warren Co., Tn
- marr 16Jul1989 Warren Co., Tn
Wife: BESS, Audra Leanne
- born 26Oct1970 Rutherford Co., Tn
FULTS, Robert Lawson
FULTS, Robert Lawson|
| | LOWE, Linda Gail
| BESS, Billy Gerald
| BESS, Audra Leanne |
| DAVENPORT, Maynard Grant
| DAVENPORT, Cecil Oren|
| | | WARREN, Claudie Ann
| DAVENPORT, Margie Evelyn|
| BURKS, Charlie Herod
| BURKS, Audrey May |
| HULETT, Margie
Husband: FULTS, Robert Lawson
Wife: LOWE, Linda GailChildren:- m : FULTS, Robert Lawson
- born 4Feb1970 Warren Co., Tn
Husband: WILLIAMS, Enoch
Wife: MADDUX, JoannChildren:- f : WILLIAMS, Betty Joyce
Husband: MEDLEN, Kenneth Wayne
- born 20Dec1954 Warren Co., Tn
- marr 30 Warren Co., Tn
Wife: BURKS, Jewel Dean
- born 2Dec1956 Warren Co., Tn
Children:- f : MEDLEN, Tracey Michele
- f : MEDLEN, Becky Suzanne
- born 26Jul1983 Rutherford Co., Tn
MEDLEN, Charlie Milton
MEDLEN, Kenneth Wayne|
| | DAVIS, Sarah Edith
| BURKS, Charlie Herod
| BURKS, Loyd Bryson |
| | | HULETT, George Madison
| | | HULETT, Margie |
| | | WILSON, Millie Susanna
| BURKS, Jewel Dean |
| SMITH, Roscoe C.
| SMITH, Roscie Dean |
| AGEE, Hettie Florence