Bill Hyde Family
Bill Hyde Family
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Husband: SMALL, Pat
Wife: MICHEL, Janine
SMALL, Thomas T.
SMALL, George Alexander |
| | BYLES, Lucy
SMALL, Andrew Dewey|
| | JACKSON, Christiana Olivia Aka (Dink)
SMALL, Pat |
| | CURTIS, Mary Lou
| MICHEL, Janine
Husband: SMALL, Jackson
Wife: SMITH, Belle S.
SMALL, George Washington
SMALL, Thomas T.|
| | RAINS, James
| | RAINS, Elizabeth |
| | JACKSON, Elizabeth
SMALL, Jackson |
| | BYLES, Lucy
| SMITH, Belle S.
Husband: CUTRER, J. W.
Wife: SMALL, Mary
| SMALL, George Washington
| SMALL, Thomas T.|
| | | RAINS, James
| | | RAINS, Elizabeth |
| | | JACKSON, Elizabeth
| SMALL, Mary |
| BYLES, Lucy
Husband: SMALL, Thomas Vaimore
Wife: *UNKNOWN, Sophronia
SMALL, George Washington
SMALL, James A. |
| | RAINS, James
| | RAINS, Elizabeth |
| | JACKSON, Elizabeth
SMALL, Thomas Vaimore|
| | BYLES, Eliza Mendora
| *UNKNOWN, Sophronia
Husband: SMALL, Cavil Bray
Wife: MCGARRAHAM, Adelia I.
SMALL, George Washington
SMALL, James A. |
| | RAINS, James
| | RAINS, Elizabeth |
| | JACKSON, Elizabeth
SMALL, Cavil Bray |
| | BYLES, Eliza Mendora
Husband: JACKSON, Louis
Wife: SMALL, Keziah E.
| SMALL, George Washington
| SMALL, James A. |
| | | RAINS, James
| | | RAINS, Elizabeth |
| | | JACKSON, Elizabeth
| SMALL, Keziah E.|
| BYLES, Eliza Mendora
Husband: SMALL, George Perry
Wife: JACKSON, Olivia
SMALL, George Washington
SMALL, James A. |
| | RAINS, James
| | RAINS, Elizabeth |
| | JACKSON, Elizabeth
SMALL, George Perry|
| | BYLES, Eliza Mendora
| JACKSON, Olivia
Husband: CHAMBERS, Dave Barry
Wife: RAINS, Nancy Elizabeth
- born 19Oct1841 Warren Co., Tn
- Other husbands: BRITT, Saul;
Children:- f : CHAMBERS, Mary
- f : CHAMBERS, Lena
- f : CHAMBERS, Mattie
- m : CHAMBERS, Dave Barry
CHAMBERS, Dave Barry
| RAINS, George
| RAINS, James |
| | | GRAHAM, Rosanna
| RAINS, John (Aka James Jackson)|
| | | JACKSON, Elizabeth
| RAINS, Nancy Elizabeth|
| WHITLOCK, Martha Ann
Husband: BRITT, Saul
Wife: RAINS, Nancy ElizabethChildren:- m : BRITT, Bryant
| | RAINS, George
| RAINS, James |
| | | GRAHAM, Rosanna
| RAINS, John (Aka James Jackson)|
| | | JACKSON, Elizabeth
| RAINS, Nancy Elizabeth|
| WHITLOCK, Martha Ann
Husband: RAINS, James Knox
- born 18Jul1843 Warren Co., Tn
- buried Marthaville Cem. Marthaville, La
Wife: ARMSTRONG, Jane Minerva (Dode)
- born 26Apr1847 Selma, Al
- buried Mt. Zion, Sabine Parish, La
Children:- f : RAINS, Martha Molly
- born
- buried Pisgah Cemetery
- f : RAINS, Artency Ella
- m : RAINS, Tucker R.
- born
- buried Mt. Zion Cemetery Sabine Parish, La
- m : RAINS, Thomas (Tommy) Jackson
- born 8Oct1865 La
- buried Marthaville Cem. Marthaville, La
- f : RAINS, Geneva Hamilton
- born 9Feb1868 Sabine Parish, La
- buried Marthaville Cem. Marthaville, La
- f : RAINS, Agnes (Aggie) Alabama
- born 8Dec1869
- buried Pisgah Cemetery
- f : RAINS, Elizabeth (Lizzie)
- born 14Feb1872 Sabine Parish, La
- buried Pisgah Cemetery
- m : RAINS, Jostlyn Polk
- born 1Jan1878 Marthaville, Natchitoches Parish, La
- buried Mt. Zion, Sabine Parish, La
- f : RAINS, Nellie
- born 27Jan1883 Sabine Parish, La
- died 9Sep1884 Sabine Parish, La
- m : RAINS, James Knox Polk
- born 4Jun1885 Sabine Parish, La
- buried Cedar Grove Cemetery
RAINS, George
RAINS, James |
| | GRAHAM, Rosanna
RAINS, John (Aka James Jackson)|
| | JACKSON, Elizabeth
RAINS, James Knox |
| | WHITLOCK, Martha Ann
| ARMSTRONG, Jane Minerva (Dode)
Husband: RAINS, George M. Dallas
- born 21Feb1845 Warren Co., Tn
- buried Marthaville Cem. Marthaville, La
- marr 27Jan1870 Sabine Parish, La
Wife: CARROLL, Mahala Bell
- born 8Feb1852
- buried Marthaville Cem. Marthaville, La
Children:- f : RAINS, Maude Eulalia
- f : RAINS, Blanche Elizabeth
- f : RAINS, Sara Alula
- f : RAINS, Nonnie Evelyn
- m : RAINS, Calvin Carroll
- m : RAINS, George Leonce
- born 10Dec1870 Sabine Parish, La
- buried Marthaville Cem. Marthaville, La
- m : RAINS, Lemuel Arnold
- born 30Sep1872 Natchitoches, Parish, La
- buried Marthaville Cem. Marthaville, La
- m : RAINS, Ivory Dixon
- born 4Jun1876 Rocky Springs , La
- died 10Oct1960 Many, Sabine Parish, La
- f : RAINS, Robin Burnley
- born 25May1878 Marthaville, Natchitoches Parish, La
- died 27Jun1908 Natchitoches, Parish, La
- m : RAINS, Dallas Delbert
- born 26Dec1882 Natchitoches, Parish, La
- buried Marthaville Cem. Marthaville, La
- f : RAINS, Vashti Polk
- born 1884 Marthaville, Natchitoches Parish, La
- died Mar1909
- f : RAINS, Mattie Estella (Stella) Bell
- born 8Jan1886 Marthaville, Natchitoches Parish, La
- died 10Sep1910
RAINS, George
RAINS, James |
| | GRAHAM, Rosanna
RAINS, John (Aka James Jackson)|
| | JACKSON, Elizabeth
RAINS, George M. Dallas|
| | WHITLOCK, Martha Ann
| CARROLL, Mahala Bell
Husband: RAINS, Isaac David
- born 20Mar1847 Warren Co., Tn
- buried Sabine Parish, La
Wife: ARMSTRONG, Geneva Harrison
- born 22Oct1849 Sabine Parish, La
- buried Sabine Parish, La
Children:- f : RAINS, Stella J.
- m : RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)
- born 12Feb1869 Pleasant Hill, La
- buried Springridge Cemtery Pleasant Hill, La
- m : RAINS, William Hamilton (Hamp)
- born 21Oct1870 La
- died 22Mar1959
- f : RAINS, Martha (Missy) Jane
- m : RAINS, Robert (Bob) Mcgough
- born 15May1875
- buried Sabine Parish, La
- m : RAINS, Isaac Tilden
- born 31May1877
- died 8Jun1943
- m : RAINS, James (Jim)
- born 18Apr1879 Sabine Parish, La
- m : RAINS, Marshall Texas
- born 13Jun1883 Sabine Parish, La
- m : RAINS, Isaac David (Ike)
- born 21Mar1885
- died 4May1975 Springridge, Sabine Parish, La
- m : RAINS, Basil George
- born 10Aug1887 Sabine Parish, La
- died 24Aug1927 Springridge, Sabine Parish, La
RAINS, George
RAINS, James |
| | GRAHAM, Rosanna
RAINS, John (Aka James Jackson)|
| | JACKSON, Elizabeth
RAINS, Isaac David |
| | WHITLOCK, Martha Ann
| ARMSTRONG, Geneva Harrison
Husband: WOODS, James Knox Polk
- born 6Sep1871
- buried Pisgah Cemetery
Wife: SMALL, Mattie Elizabeth
- born 27Sep1876
- died 9Jun1959
Children:- f : WOODS, Mabel Lee
- born 18Sep1894
- died 14Mar1984
- f : WOODS, Elizabeth (Lizzie)
- born 22Feb1898
- died 22Apr1965
- m : WOODS, Joseph Small
- m : WOODS, James Knox Polk
WOODS, Joseph
WOODS, James Knox Polk |
| | | RAINS, James
| | RAINS, Issac P,\C. |
| | | | JACKSON, Elizabeth
| | RAINS, Mahala Elizabeth (Lizzie)|
| | BARR, Salina Sarah
| SMALL, George Washington
| SMALL, George Washington |
| | | RAINS, James
| | | RAINS, Elizabeth |
| | | JACKSON, Elizabeth
| SMALL, Mattie Elizabeth|
| RAINS, James
| RAINS, John (Aka James Jackson)|
| | | JACKSON, Elizabeth
| RAINS, Sarah (Sis) Althea |
| WHITLOCK, Martha Ann
Husband: RAINS, Ellis Eugene
- born 7Jun1877 Sabine Parish, La
- buried Marthaville Cem. Marthaville, La
Wife: SMALL, Salome
- born Jun1887 Natchitoches, Parish, La
- buried Marthaville Cem. Marthaville, La
Children:- f : RAINS, Irma M.
- born 1905 Sabine Parish, La
- f : RAINS, Ila
- born 1907 Sabine Parish, La
- m : RAINS, Ernest A.
- born 1909 Sabine Parish, La
RAINS, James
RAINS, Issac P,\C. |
| | JACKSON, Elizabeth
RAINS, Isaac Douglas )Dug) |
| | BARR, Salina Sarah
RAINS, Ellis Eugene|
| | SPIELKER, Matilda Theodosia
| SMALL, George Washington
| SMALL, George Washington |
| | | RAINS, James
| | | RAINS, Elizabeth |
| | | JACKSON, Elizabeth
| SMALL, Salome |
| RAINS, James
| RAINS, John (Aka James Jackson)|
| | | JACKSON, Elizabeth
| RAINS, Sarah (Sis) Althea |
| WHITLOCK, Martha Ann
Husband: BOLTON, John T.
- born 13Jul1842
- died 29Nov1924 Sabine Parish, La
- marr 14Aug1873
Wife: SMALL, Martha JaneChildren:- f : BOLTON, Beulah
- born 17Dec1883
- died 20Feb1902
| SMALL, George Washington
| SMALL, Martha Jane|
| RAINS, George
| RAINS, James |
| | | GRAHAM, Rosanna
| RAINS, Elizabeth |
| JACKSON, Elizabeth
Husband: WOODS, J. Polk
Wife: SMALL, Martha Jane
WOODS, J. Polk
| SMALL, George Washington
| SMALL, Martha Jane|
| RAINS, George
| RAINS, James |
| | | GRAHAM, Rosanna
| RAINS, Elizabeth |
| JACKSON, Elizabeth
Husband: HOLCOMB, Mark David
Wife: SCHEXNEIDER, Connie SueChildren:- m : HOLCOMB, Kelci
- f : HOLCOMB, Kara
HOLCOMB, Andrew Lennis
HOLCOMB, William A. |
| | SMALL, George Alexander
| | SMALL, Corine Rachel |
| | JACKSON, Christiana Olivia Aka (Dink)
HOLCOMB, Mark David |
| | MINYARD, Ramona Ruth
Husband: HOLCOMB, Mark David
Wife: SHARBER, Tina MariaChildren:- f : PITRE, Antoinette Marie
- m : PITRE, Travis Paul
- f : HOLCOMB, Marlene Michelie
- f : HOLCOMB, Kalene Elizabeth
HOLCOMB, Andrew Lennis
HOLCOMB, William A. |
| | SMALL, George Alexander
| | SMALL, Corine Rachel |
| | JACKSON, Christiana Olivia Aka (Dink)
HOLCOMB, Mark David|
| | MINYARD, Ramona Ruth
| SHARBER, Tina Maria
Husband: DAVID, Blank
Wife: HOLCOMB, KathyChildren:- m : DAVID, Andrew
DAVID, Blank
| HOLCOMB, Andrew Lennis
| HOLCOMB, William A. |
| | | SMALL, George Alexander
| | | SMALL, Corine Rachel |
| | | JACKSON, Christiana Olivia Aka (Dink)
| HOLCOMB, Kathy|
| MINYARD, Ramona Ruth
Husband: HOLCOMB, Jeff
Wife: CARROLL, Candance
HOLCOMB, Andrew Lennis
| | SMALL, George Alexander
| | SMALL, Corine Rachel |
| | JACKSON, Christiana Olivia Aka (Dink)
| | MIZIEL, Jacqueline
| CARROLL, Candance
Husband: HOLCOMB, Randy
Wife: HUFF, Kristi
HOLCOMB, Andrew Lennis
| | SMALL, George Alexander
| | SMALL, Corine Rachel |
| | JACKSON, Christiana Olivia Aka (Dink)
| | MIZIEL, Jacqueline
| HUFF, Kristi
Husband: MAXEY, Tyrone
Wife: BALL, Wanda KutsavageChildren:- m : MAXEY, Kyle Coleman
- m : MAXEY, Sean
MAXEY, Coleman Nathaniel
MAXEY, Tyrice Edward|
| | SMALL, George Alexander
| | SMALL, Winnie Mae |
| | JACKSON, Christiana Olivia Aka (Dink)
MAXEY, Tyrone |
| | WALKER, Loree
| BALL, Wanda Kutsavage
Husband: BROOKS, Robert
Wife: MAXEY, Sherri AnnChildren:- f : BROOKS, Ashley
- m : BROOKS, Eric Robert
BROOKS, Robert
| MAXEY, Coleman Nathaniel
| MAXEY, Tyrice Edward|
| | | SMALL, George Alexander
| | | SMALL, Winnie Mae |
| | | JACKSON, Christiana Olivia Aka (Dink)
| MAXEY, Sherri Ann|
| WALKER, Loree
Husband: WALKER, David
Wife: DAVIS, Barbara Lucille
| | DAVIS, Joseph Murry
| DAVIS, Barbara Lucille|
| MCCOLLISTER, Benjamin C.
| SMALL, George Alexander
| SMALL, Lona Lucille |
| JACKSON, Christiana Olivia Aka (Dink)
Husband: HAGMAN, Tim
Wife: DAVIS, Barbara Lucille
| | DAVIS, Joseph Murry
| DAVIS, Barbara Lucille|
| MCCOLLISTER, Benjamin C.
| SMALL, George Alexander
| SMALL, Lona Lucille |
| JACKSON, Christiana Olivia Aka (Dink)
Husband: MALDONADO, Anthony
Wife: DAVIS, Barbara Lucille
| DAVIS, Joseph Murry
| DAVIS, Barbara Lucille|
| MCCOLLISTER, Benjamin C.
| SMALL, George Alexander
| SMALL, Lona Lucille |
| JACKSON, Christiana Olivia Aka (Dink)
Husband: HORN, Larry
Wife: GANDY, TriciaChildren:- f : HORN, Lacy
HORN, Larry
| GANDY, William
| GANDY, Tricia|
| WRIGHT, Howard
| WRIGHT, Margaret Faye|
| SMALL, George Alexander
| SMALL, Lucy |
| JACKSON, Christiana Olivia Aka (Dink)
Husband: BARNAM, Kerry
Wife: MCMILLAN, SheliaChildren:- m : BARNAM, Ryan
- f : BARNAM, Kerri
| MCMILLAN, Shelia|
| WRIGHT, Howard
| WRIGHT, Janell |
| SMALL, George Alexander
| SMALL, Lucy |
| JACKSON, Christiana Olivia Aka (Dink)
Husband: MCMILLAN, Bruce
Wife: FUNDERBURK, TinaChildren:- m : MCMILLAN, Bradley
| | WRIGHT, Howard
| | WRIGHT, Janell |
| | SMALL, George Alexander
| | SMALL, Lucy |
| | JACKSON, Christiana Olivia Aka (Dink)
Husband: MCMILLAN, Jason
Wife: PATTERSON, MissyChildren:- f : MCMILLAN, Michaela
| | WRIGHT, Howard
| | WRIGHT, Janell |
| | SMALL, George Alexander
| | SMALL, Lucy |
| | JACKSON, Christiana Olivia Aka (Dink)
Husband: MCMILLAN, Brent
Wife: BASCO, AmyChildren:- m : MCMILLAN, Addyson
| | WRIGHT, Howard
| | WRIGHT, Janell |
| | SMALL, George Alexander
| | SMALL, Lucy |
| | JACKSON, Christiana Olivia Aka (Dink)
| BASCO, Amy
Husband: MCBRIDE, Danny
Wife: WRIGHT, Rae
| WRIGHT, Howard
| WRIGHT, Terry Wayne|
| | | SMALL, George Alexander
| | | SMALL, Lucy |
| | | JACKSON, Christiana Olivia Aka (Dink)
| WRIGHT, Rae |
| POUNCER, Mary Jo
Husband: KEY, Barney
Wife: TROHA, Traci Angela
KEY, Barney
| TROHA, Phillip
| TROHA, Traci Angela|
| SMALL, George Alexander
| SMALL, Andrew Dewey|
| | | JACKSON, Christiana Olivia Aka (Dink)
| SMALL, Carolyn|
| CURTIS, Mary Lou
Husband: SMALL, Andrew Carson
Wife: EZERNACK, MelanieChildren:- m : SMALL, Corey Brent
SMALL, George Alexander
SMALL, Andrew Dewey|
| | JACKSON, Christiana Olivia Aka (Dink)
SMALL, Pat |
| | CURTIS, Mary Lou
SMALL, Andrew Carson|
| | BEARDEN, Wilma
| EZERNACK, Melanie
Husband: WOODS, Joseph
- born 26Nov1843
- buried Pisgah Cemetery
Wife: RAINS, Mahala Elizabeth (Lizzie)
- born 18Dec1848 Sabine Parish, La
- buried Pisgah Cemetery
Children:- f : WOODS, Mary Salina
- born 11Feb1870 Sabine Parish, La
- died 14Sep1878 Sabine Parish, La
- m : WOODS, James Knox Polk
- born 6Sep1871
- buried Pisgah Cemetery
WOODS, Joseph
| | RAINS, George
| RAINS, James |
| | | GRAHAM, Rosanna
| RAINS, Issac P,\C.|
| | | JACKSON, Elizabeth
| RAINS, Mahala Elizabeth (Lizzie)|
| BARR, Salina Sarah
Husband: KERLIN, James P.
Wife: WOODS, Mabel Lee
- born 18Sep1894
- died 14Mar1984
KERLIN, James P.
| WOODS, Joseph
| WOODS, James Knox Polk |
| | | | RAINS, Issac P,\C.
| | | RAINS, Mahala Elizabeth (Lizzie)|
| | | BARR, Salina Sarah
| WOODS, Mabel Lee|
| SMALL, George Washington
| SMALL, George Washington |
| | | RAINS, Elizabeth
| SMALL, Mattie Elizabeth|
| RAINS, John (Aka James Jackson)
| RAINS, Sarah (Sis) Althea |
| WHITLOCK, Martha Ann
Husband: SWEAT, Buck
Wife: WOODS, Elizabeth (Lizzie)
- born 22Feb1898
- died 22Apr1965
| | WOODS, Joseph
| WOODS, James Knox Polk |
| | | | RAINS, Issac P,\C.
| | | RAINS, Mahala Elizabeth (Lizzie)|
| | | BARR, Salina Sarah
| WOODS, Elizabeth (Lizzie)|
| SMALL, George Washington
| SMALL, George Washington |
| | | RAINS, Elizabeth
| SMALL, Mattie Elizabeth|
| RAINS, John (Aka James Jackson)
| RAINS, Sarah (Sis) Althea |
| WHITLOCK, Martha Ann
Husband: RAINS, Isaac Douglas )Dug)
- born 20Mar1854 La
- died 6Dec1929 Sabine Parish, La
Wife: SPIELKER, Matilda Theodosia
- born 22Jan1858 Sabine Parish, La
- died 6Dec1944 Sabine Parish, La
Children:- m : RAINS, Ellis Eugene
- born 7Jun1877 Sabine Parish, La
- buried Marthaville Cem. Marthaville, La
- m : RAINS, Bert (Buddy) Douglas
- born 13Jul1878 Sabine Parish, La
- buried Marthaville Cem. Marthaville, La
- m : RAINS, Ernest A.
- born Jun1881 Sabine Parish, La
- f : RAINS, Della Mae
- born 25Dec1882 Sabine Parish, La
- died 25Mar1976 Sabine Parish, La
- f : RAINS, Ethel E.
- f : RAINS, Lizzie
- born 30Jun1887 Sabine Parish, La
- buried Pisgah Cemetery
- f : RAINS, Lelia
- born 27Dec1889 Sabine Parish, La
- buried Pisgah Cemetery
- m : RAINS, Hoyt
- m : RAINS, Ray
- born 21Oct1894
- died 1990 Sabine Parish, La
- m : RAINS, Roy Anderson
- born 21Oct1894
- died 24Sep1977
- m : RAINS, William (Bill)
- m : RAINS, Rollie Culbertson
- f : RAINS, Vera
- born 1902
- died 1983 Sabine Parish, La
RAINS, George
RAINS, James |
| | GRAHAM, Rosanna
RAINS, Issac P,\C.|
| | JACKSON, Elizabeth
RAINS, Isaac Douglas )Dug) |
| | BARR, Salina Sarah
| SPIELKER, Matilda Theodosia
Husband: RAINS, Alanson Barr (A.B.)
- born 8Nov1846 La
- died 21Oct1928 Sabine Parish, La
- marr 21Jul1869 Sabine Parish, La
Wife: MONTGOMERY, Sallie F.
- born 1Sep1848 La
- died 14Jun1916 Sabine Parish, La
Children:- f : RAINS, Nina
- f : RAINS, Celeste
- f : RAINS, Eula R.
- born 1871 Sabine Parish, La
- f : RAINS, Cora Lee
- born 11Jul1872 Sabine Parish, La
- buried Marthaville Cem. Marthaville, La
- m : RAINS, Claude A.
- born 12Oct1874 Sabine Parish, La
- buried Pisgah Cemetery
- m : RAINS, Theodore A.
- born 12Jul1878 Sabine Parish, La
- f : RAINS, Miranda
- born Jul1879 Sabine Parish, La
- f : RAINS, Alpha Jane
- born Jul1879 Sabine Parish, La
- m : RAINS, Evan D.
- born 31Aug1881 Sabine Parish, La
- died 20Aug1884 Sabine Parish, La
RAINS, George
RAINS, James |
| | GRAHAM, Rosanna
RAINS, Issac P,\C.|
| | JACKSON, Elizabeth
RAINS, Alanson Barr (A.B.)|
| | BARR, Salina Sarah
Husband: SPIKER, B. F.
- born
- died 1880 La
- marr 27Jan1879 La
Wife: RAINS, Sarah (Sallie) Althea
- born 5Dec1851 Sabine Parish, La
- died 7Oct1880 La
| | RAINS, George
| RAINS, James |
| | | GRAHAM, Rosanna
| RAINS, Issac P,\C.|
| | | JACKSON, Elizabeth
| RAINS, Sarah (Sallie) Althea|
| BARR, Salina Sarah
Husband: THOMAS, Benjamin
Wife: RAINS, Salina Eveyln (Evie)Children:- m : THOMAS, Benjamin
- m : THOMAS, Emmett
THOMAS, Benjamin
| | RAINS, George
| RAINS, James |
| | | GRAHAM, Rosanna
| RAINS, Issac P,\C.|
| | | JACKSON, Elizabeth
| RAINS, Salina Eveyln (Evie)|
| BARR, Salina Sarah
Husband: SKINNER, John J.
- born 25Mar1862
- died 16May1929
- marr 26Dec1895
Wife: RAINS, Salina Eveyln (Evie)Children:- f : SKINNER, Nellie Pearl
- m : SKINNER, Jasper Douglas
- f : SKINNER, Alice Lee
- f : SKINNER, Maggie Neva
| | RAINS, George
| RAINS, James |
| | | GRAHAM, Rosanna
| RAINS, Issac P,\C.|
| | | JACKSON, Elizabeth
| RAINS, Salina Eveyln (Evie)|
| BARR, Salina Sarah
Husband: BROWN, *Unknown
Wife: RAINS, Salina Eveyln (Evie)
BROWN, *Unknown
| | RAINS, George
| RAINS, James |
| | | GRAHAM, Rosanna
| RAINS, Issac P,\C.|
| | | JACKSON, Elizabeth
| RAINS, Salina Eveyln (Evie)|
| BARR, Salina Sarah
Husband: SANDERS, W. T.
- marr 19Jan1893 Sabine Parish, La
Wife: RAINS, Eula R.
- born 1871 Sabine Parish, La
| RAINS, James
| RAINS, Issac P,\C.|
| | | JACKSON, Elizabeth
| RAINS, Alanson Barr (A.B.)|
| | | BARR, Salina Sarah
| RAINS, Eula R.|
Husband: RAINS, George Leonce
- born 10Dec1870 Sabine Parish, La
- buried Marthaville Cem. Marthaville, La
- marr 2Nov1893
Wife: RAINS, Cora Lee
- born 11Jul1872 Sabine Parish, La
- buried Marthaville Cem. Marthaville, La
Children:- m : RAINS, George Lemuel
- born 10
- died 4May1975 Forest Park Cemetery Shreveport, La
- m : RAINS, Amos Alanson
- born 20May1896 Sabine Parish, La
- buried Marthaville Cem. Marthaville, La
- f : RAINS, Evelyn Blanche
- born 21Feb1897 Sabine Parish, La
- died 3May1988 La
- m : RAINS, Theodore Leonce
- born 22Nov1900 Sabine Parish, La
RAINS, James
RAINS, John (Aka James Jackson)|
| | JACKSON, Elizabeth
RAINS, George M. Dallas |
| | WHITLOCK, Martha Ann
RAINS, George Leonce|
| | CARROLL, Mahala Bell
| | RAINS, James
| RAINS, Issac P,\C. |
| | | JACKSON, Elizabeth
| RAINS, Alanson Barr (A.B.)|
| | | BARR, Salina Sarah
| RAINS, Cora Lee |
Husband: RAINS, Theodore A.
- born 12Jul1878 Sabine Parish, La
Wife: JACOB, Aima MattieChildren:- f : RAINS, Valary
- born 11Dec1906 Marthaville, Natchitoches Parish, La
- m : RAINS, Theodore A.
- born 23Jul1908 Marthaville, Natchitoches Parish, La
- m : RAINS, Marlin
- born 28Nov1910 Galbrath, La
- m : RAINS, Tellus Weston
- born 2Aug1912 Marthaville, Natchitoches Parish, La
- m : RAINS, Trasher Walter
- born 2Aug1912 Marthaville, Natchitoches Parish, La
- m : RAINS, Alba Burleson
- born 22Jun1914 Pleasant Hill, Sabine Parish, La
- died 14Oct1916 Pleasant Hill, Sabine Parish, La
- m : RAINSM, Harold Vincent
- born 11Feb1917 Marthaville, Natchitoches Parish, La
- f : RAINS, Margaret Alma
- born 7Jul1922 Marthaville, Natchitoches Parish, La
- m : RAINS, Charles Wade
RAINS, James
RAINS, Issac P,\C.|
| | JACKSON, Elizabeth
RAINS, Alanson Barr (A.B.)|
| | BARR, Salina Sarah
RAINS, Theodore A.|
| | MONTGOMERY, Sallie F.
| JACOB, Aima Mattie
Husband: SPEIGHT, M. K.
Wife: RAINS, Alpha Jane
- born Jul1879 Sabine Parish, La
| RAINS, James
| RAINS, Issac P,\C.|
| | | JACKSON, Elizabeth
| RAINS, Alanson Barr (A.B.)|
| | | BARR, Salina Sarah
| RAINS, Alpha Jane|
Husband: FARMER, Frank
Wife: RAINS, Celeste
| RAINS, James
| RAINS, Issac P,\C.|
| | | JACKSON, Elizabeth
| RAINS, Alanson Barr (A.B.)|
| | | BARR, Salina Sarah
| RAINS, Celeste|
Husband: RAINS, Bert (Buddy) Douglas
- born 13Jul1878 Sabine Parish, La
- buried Marthaville Cem. Marthaville, La
Wife: *UNKNOWN, Emma Alice
- born 6Feb1882
- buried Marthaville Cem. Marthaville, La
Children:- f : RAINS, Mary Alice
RAINS, James
RAINS, Issac P,\C.|
| | JACKSON, Elizabeth
RAINS, Isaac Douglas )Dug) |
| | BARR, Salina Sarah
RAINS, Bert (Buddy) Douglas|
| | SPIELKER, Matilda Theodosia
| *UNKNOWN, Emma Alice
Husband: KISSECK, Michael Joseph
Wife: RAINS, Ethel E.Children:- f : KISSECK, Ruth
KISSECK, Michael Joseph
| RAINS, James
| RAINS, Issac P,\C.|
| | | JACKSON, Elizabeth
| RAINS, Isaac Douglas )Dug) |
| | | BARR, Salina Sarah
| RAINS, Ethel E. |
| SPIELKER, Matilda Theodosia