Bill Hyde Family
Bill Hyde Family
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Husband: DUDLEY, John
Wife: LEIGHTON, ElizabethChildren:- m : , Roger Dudley,Capt.
- f : DUDLEY, Mary
DUDLEY, John (Vii)
DUDLEY, Edmund (2)|
| | BREMSHOT, Elizabeth
DUDLEY, Simon|
DUDLEY, John |
| | SAUDERS, Emme
| LEIGHTON, Elizabeth
Husband: DENISON, Major Daniel
- born 18Oct1612 Bishop'S Stortford,Hertfordshire,England
- buried Ipswich, Ma
- Other wives: DUDLEY, Patience;
Wife: DUDLEY, Patricia
DENISON, John (1)
DENISON, William |
| | WILLIE, John (2)
| | WILLIE, Agnes |
| | MARSEAD, Joan
DENISON, Major Daniel|
| | CHANDLER, John
| | CHANDLER, Topbias|
| | | | *UNKNOWN, Joan
| | CHANDLER, Margaret|
| | MUMFORD, Joan
| DUDLEY, Patricia
Husband: SUTTON, John De (Iii)
- born 1329 Malpas, Chester, England
- died 1369 France
- marr 25Dec1357 England
Wife: STAFFORD, Katherine
- born 1340 Tunbridge, Stafford, England
- died 1361
Children:- m : SUTTON, John (Iv)
- born 6Dec1361 Malpas, Chester, England
- died 10Mar1395
Husband: SUTTON, John (Iv)
- born 6Dec1361 Malpas, Chester, England
- died 10Mar1395
- marr BEF 1380
- Other wives: DESPENSER, Alice;
Wife: *UNKNOWN, JaneChildren:- m : SUTTON, John (V)
- born 1380 Coleshill, Warwick, England
- died 29Aug1406 England
SUTTON, John De (Iii)
SUTTON, John (Iv)|
| | STAFFORD, Katherine
| *UNKNOWN, Jane
Husband: SUTTON, John (Iv)
- born 6Dec1361 Malpas, Chester, England
- died 10Mar1395
- Other wives: *UNKNOWN, Jane;
Wife: DESPENSER, Alice
- born 1364 Carlington, England
- died 1392
SUTTON, John De (Iii)
SUTTON, John (Iv)|
| | STAFFORD, Katherine
Husband: SUTTON, John (V)
- born 1380 Coleshill, Warwick, England
- died 29Aug1406 England
- marr BEF 1400
Wife: BLOUNT, Constance
- born 1380 Barton, Derby, England
- died 23Sep1432 Northampton, England
Children:- m : DUDLEY, John (Vi) (Sutton)
- born 25Dec1400 Dudley Castle,Stafford, England
- died 30Sep1487 Stafford, England
- m : DUDLEY, Thomas (Sutton)
- born 1403 Stafford ,England
- m : DUDLEY, Humphrey (Sutton)
- born 1405 Coleshill, Warwick, England
SUTTON, John De (Iii)
SUTTON, John (Iv)|
| | STAFFORD, Katherine
SUTTON, John (V) |
| | *UNKNOWN, Jane
| BLOUNT, Constance
Husband: DUDLEY, John (Vi) (Sutton)
- born 25Dec1400 Dudley Castle,Stafford, England
- died 30Sep1487 Stafford, England
- marr 1420 England
Wife: BERKELEY, Elizabeth
- born
- died 8Dec1478 England
Children:- f : DUDLEY, Katherine
- born 1421 Dudley Castle, Stafford, England
- m : DUDLEY, Edmund
- born 1425 Worchestershire, England
- died 6Jul1483
- m : DUDLEY, John (Vii)
- born 1427 Hatherington, Climping, Sussex, England
- died 5Aug1503
- f : DUDLEY, Margaret
- born 1427 Dudley Castle, Stafford, England
- m : DUDLEY, William
- born 1431 Dudley Castle, Stafford, England
- died 29Nov1483 Westminster Abbey, London, England
- f : DUDLEY, Jane
- born 1434 Dudley Castle, Stafford, England
- m : DUDLEY, Oliver
- born 1437 Dudley Castle, Stafford, England
- died 25Jul1469 Battle Edgecote Near Banbury,Oxford,Eng.
- f : DUDLEY, Eleanor
- born 1439 Dudley Castle, Stafford, England
SUTTON, John De (Iii)
SUTTON, John (Iv)|
| | STAFFORD, Katherine
SUTTON, John (V) |
| | *UNKNOWN, Jane
DUDLEY, John (Vi) (Sutton)|
| | BLOUNT, Constance
| BERKELEY, Elizabeth
Husband: DUDLEY, John (Vii)
- born 1427 Hatherington, Climping, Sussex, England
- died 5Aug1503
- marr BEF 1458
Wife: BREMSHOT, Elizabeth
- born 1440 Calbourne, Isle Of Wright,Hants, England
- died 1499
Children:- f : DUDLEY, Elizabeth
- born 1458 Cumberland, England
- died 1523 England
- f : DUDLEY, Anna
- born 1460 Cumberland, England
- m : DUDLEY, Edmund (2)
- born 1462 Cumberland, England
- died 28Aug1510 Beheaded At Tower Hill, London, England
SUTTON, John (Iv)
SUTTON, John (V) |
| | *UNKNOWN, Jane
DUDLEY, John (Vi) (Sutton)|
| | BLOUNT, Constance
DUDLEY, John (Vii) |
| | BERKELEY, Elizabeth
| BREMSHOT, Elizabeth
Husband: DUDLEY, Edmund (2)
- born 1462 Cumberland, England
- died 28Aug1510 Beheaded At Tower Hill, London, England
Wife: WINDSOR, AnneChildren:- f : DUDLEY, Elizabeth
SUTTON, John (V)
DUDLEY, John (Vi) (Sutton)|
| | BLOUNT, Constance
DUDLEY, John (Vii) |
| | BERKELEY, Elizabeth
DUDLEY, Edmund (2)|
| | BREMSHOT, Elizabeth
Husband: DUDLEY, Edmund (2)
- born 1462 Cumberland, England
- died 28Aug1510 Beheaded At Tower Hill, London, England
- marr BEF 1505
- Other wives: WINDSOR, Anne;
Wife: Children:- m : DUDLEY, Simon
SUTTON, John (V)
DUDLEY, John (Vi) (Sutton)|
| | BLOUNT, Constance
DUDLEY, John (Vii) |
| | BERKELEY, Elizabeth
DUDLEY, Edmund (2)|
| | BREMSHOT, Elizabeth
Husband: DUDLEY, Simon
Wife: SAUDERS, EmmeChildren:- m : DUDLEY, John
DUDLEY, John (Vi) (Sutton)
DUDLEY, John (Vii) |
| | BERKELEY, Elizabeth
DUDLEY, Edmund (2)|
| | BREMSHOT, Elizabeth
DUDLEY, Simon|
Husband: SPENCER, John
Wife: EUPSON, Ann
SPENCER, Henry |
| | POLAND, Joan
| | LINCOLN, Henry
| | LINCOLN, Isabella|
| | WARSTED, *Unknown
Husband: SPENCER, Henry
Wife: LINCOLN, IsabellaChildren:- m : SPENCER, William
- m : SPENCER, John
DESPENCER, Nicholas|
| | DEVERALL, Alice
SPENCER, Henry |
| | POLAND, Joan
| LINCOLN, Henry
| LINCOLN, Isabella|
Husband: DESPENCER, Nicholas
Wife: POLAND, JoanChildren:- m : SPENCER, Henry
| | *UNKNOWN, Ann
DESPENCER, Nicholas|
| | DEVERALL, Alice
| POLAND, Joan
Husband: DESPENCER, John
Wife: DEVERALL, AliceChildren:- m : DESPENCER, Nicholas
SPENCER, Geoffrey (2) De Le
SPENCER, John De Le|
| | ST. JOHN, Emma De
| | *UNKNOWN, Ann
Husband: DESPENCER, William
Wife: Children:- m : DESPENCER, John
SPENCER, Geoffrey (1) De Le
SPENCER, Geoffrey (2) De Le|
SPENCER, John De Le|
| | ST. JOHN, Emma De
| | *UNKNOWN, Ann
Husband: SPENCER, John De Le
Wife: *UNKNOWN, AnnChildren:- m : DESPENCER, William
SPENCER, Thurstan (2) De Le
SPENCER, Geoffrey (1) De Le|
| | *UNKNOWN, Lucia
SPENCER, Geoffrey (2) De Le|
SPENCER, John De Le|
| | ST. JOHN, Emma De
Husband: SPENCER, Geoffrey (2) De Le
Wife: ST. JOHN, Emma DeChildren:- m : SPENCER, John De Le
SPENCER, Almaric De Le
SPENCER, Thurstan (2) De Le|
| | BLEWETT, Eldai
SPENCER, Geoffrey (1) De Le|
| | *UNKNOWN, Lucia
SPENCER, Geoffrey (2) De Le|
| ST. JOHN, Emma De
Husband: SPENCER, Geoffrey (1) De Le
Wife: Children:- m : SPENCER, Geoffrey (2) De Le
DE SPENCER, Thurstan (1) Le
SPENCER, Almaric De Le|
SPENCER, Thurstan (2) De Le|
| | BLEWETT, Eldai
SPENCER, Geoffrey (1) De Le|
| | *UNKNOWN, Lucia
Husband: SPENCER, Thurstan (2) De Le
Wife: *UNKNOWN, LuciaChildren:- m : SPENCER, Geoffrey (1) De Le
DE SPENCER, William Le
DE SPENCER, Thurstan (1) Le|
SPENCER, Almaric De Le|
SPENCER, Thurstan (2) De Le|
| | BLEWETT, Eldai
| *UNKNOWN, Lucia
Husband: SPENCER, Almaric De Le
Wife: BLEWETT, EldaiChildren:- m : SPENCER, Thurstan (2) De Le
SPENCER, Robert D'Abitot De Le
DE SPENCER, William Le|
DE SPENCER, Thurstan (1) Le|
SPENCER, Almaric De Le|
| BLEWETT, Eldai
Husband: SPENCER, Almaric De Le
Wife: DE CHENEY, Aurah
SPENCER, Robert D'Abitot De Le
DE SPENCER, William Le|
DE SPENCER, Thurstan (1) Le|
SPENCER, Almaric De Le|
| DE CHENEY, Aurah
Husband: DE SPENCER, Thurstan (1) Le
Wife: Children:- m : SPENCER, Almaric De Le
SPENCER, Robert D'Abitot De Le
| | D'ABITOT, Amary
DE SPENCER, William Le|
DE SPENCER, Thurstan (1) Le|
Husband: DE SPENCER, William Le
Wife: Children:- m : DE SPENCER, Thurstan (1) Le
SPENCER, Robert D'Abitot De Le
| | D'TANCARVILLE, Gerold D'Hauteville
| | D'ABITOT, Amary|
| | D'ABITOT, Helindis
DE SPENCER, William Le|
Husband: SPENCER, Robert D'Abitot De Le
Wife: Children:- m : DE SPENCER, William Le
SPENCER, Robert D'Abitot De Le
| | , Galfrid
| | D'TANCARVILLE, Gerold D'Hauteville|
| | D'ABITOT, Amary|
| | D'ABITOT, Helindis
Wife: D'ABITOT, AmaryChildren:- m : SPENCER, Robert D'Abitot De Le
| D'HAUTVILLE, Tancred
| , Galfrid|
| | | NORMANDY, Frescenda Of
| D'TANCARVILLE, Gerold D'Hauteville|
| D'ABITOT, Amary|
| D'ABITOT, Helindis
Husband: D'TANCARVILLE, Gerold D'Hauteville
Wife: D'ABITOT, HelindisChildren:- f : D'ABITOT, Amary
, Tancred
D'HAUTVILLE, Tancred |
, Galfrid|
| | NORMANDY, Frescenda Of
D'TANCARVILLE, Gerold D'Hauteville|
| D'ABITOT, Helindis
Husband: , Galfrid
Wife: Children:- m : D'TANCARVILLE, Gerold D'Hauteville
, Hialtt
, Tancred|
D'HAUTVILLE, Tancred |
, Galfrid|
| | NORMANDY, Frescenda Of
Husband: D'HAUTVILLE, Tancred
Wife: NORMANDY, Frescenda OfChildren:- m : , Galfrid
, Hialtt
, Tancred|
D'HAUTVILLE, Tancred |
| NORMANDY, Frescenda Of
Husband: , Tancred
Wife: Children:- m : D'HAUTVILLE, Tancred
, Hialtt
, Tancred|
Husband: , Hialtt
Wife: Children:- m : , Tancred
Husband: MCELORY, James Jamison
- marr 25Feb1841 Buncombe Co., Nc
Wife: WEAVER, Margaret Saphronia
- born 26Sep1819 Reems Creek, Burke Co., Nc
- died 20Sep1905 Bellefonte, Boone Co., Ar
Children:- m : MCELORY, John Weaver
- m : MCELORY, Howard
- f : MCELORY, Mary
- born 22Oct1847
- died Bellefonte, Boone Co., Ar
- m : MCELORY, Jacob Silas
- born 11Sep1850 Weaverville, Buncombe Co., Nc
- died 20May1913 Chilicothie, Tx
- f : MCELORY, Nannie
- m : MCELORY, Horace
- m : MCELORY, Walter
MCELORY, James Jamison
| WEAVER, John
| WEAVER, Jacob |
| | | BIFFLE, Adam (Biffel)
| | | BIFFLE, Elizabeth|
| | | HENCKEL, Catherine (Henkle)
| WEAVER, Margaret Saphronia|
| SILER, Elizabeth
Husband: SIBLEY, Reddick
Wife: SMALL, ClaraChildren:- f : SIBLEY, Mary Avonlea
SIBLEY, Reddick
| SMALL, George Washington
| SMALL, Thomas T.|
| | | RAINS, James
| | | RAINS, Elizabeth |
| | | JACKSON, Elizabeth
| SMALL, Clara |
| BYLES, Lucy
Husband: SHUFFLIN, Edward
Wife: SIBLEY, Mary AvonleaChildren:- m : SHUFFLIN, Ellis H.
| SIBLEY, Reddick
| SIBLEY, Mary Avonlea|
| SMALL, George Washington
| SMALL, Thomas T.|
| | | RAINS, Elizabeth
| SMALL, Clara |
| BYLES, Lucy
Husband: SHUFFLIN, Ellis H.
Wife: WRIGHT, LucilleChildren:- f : SHUFFLIN, Becky
| | SIBLEY, Reddick
| | SIBLEY, Mary Avonlea|
| | SMALL, Thomas T.
| | SMALL, Clara |
| | BYLES, Lucy
| WRIGHT, Lucille
Husband: HARGETT, Rick
Wife: SHUFFLIN, Becky
| SHUFFLIN, Edward
| SHUFFLIN, Ellis H.|
| | | SIBLEY, Reddick
| | | SIBLEY, Mary Avonlea|
| | | SMALL, Clara
| SHUFFLIN, Becky|
| WRIGHT, Lucille
Husband: RAINS, William
Wife: BRACKEN, MaryChildren:- m : RAINS, James N.
- m : RAINS, George Washington
- born
- died 1858 Moulton, Lawrence Co., Al
- m : RAINS, Heny R.
- f : RAINS, Matilda Ann
- m : RAINS, William C.
- m : RAINS, Wiley
- f : RAINS, Martha
RAINS, John(I)(Ca)
RAINS, William|
| | HAMMER, Mary (Ca)
| BRACKEN, Thomas|
| BRACKEN, Edward |
| | | MACHAN, Martha
| BRACKEN, Mary |
Husband: RAINS, George Washington
- born
- died 1858 Moulton, Lawrence Co., Al
- marr 13Feb1833
Wife: DANIEL, ElizaChildren:- m : RAINS, Robert Martin
- f : RAINS, Martha Jane
- f : RAINS, Manerva
- m : RAINS, Napoleon Bonapart
- f : RAINS, Elen
- f : RAINS, Georgia Henrieta
RAINS, John(I)(Ca)
RAINS, William|
| | HAMMER, Mary (Ca)
RAINS, George Washington|
| | BRACKEN, Thomas
| | BRACKEN, Edward |
| | | | MACHAN, Martha
| | BRACKEN, Mary |
| | JEFFRIES, Betsy
| DANIEL, Eliza
Husband: RAINS, Napoleon Bonapart
Wife: Children:- m : RAINS, George Martin
RAINS, John(I)(Ca)
RAINS, William|
| | HAMMER, Mary (Ca)
RAINS, George Washington|
| | BRACKEN, Edward
| | BRACKEN, Mary |
| | JEFFRIES, Betsy
RAINS, Napoleon Bonapart|
| | DANIEL, Eliza
Husband: marr 19Dec1829 Randolph Co., Nc
Wife: ALLRED, Nancy
| ALLRED, John 4Th
| ALLRED, John 5Th |
| | | HAMILTON, Ann (Annie)
| ALLRED, Jonathan|
| | | CHENEY, Francis
| | | CHENEY, Margaret |
| | | AURICK, Susan
| ALLRED, Nancy|
| _____, Lewis*Unknown
| LEWIS, Nancy |
Husband: WEAVER, John Siler
- born 22Sep1812 Reems Creek, Burke Co., Nc
- died 15Oct1875
- marr Buncombe Co., Nc
- Other wives: MCDOWELL, Mary S.;
Wife: MILLER, Mary CarmackChildren:- m : WEAVER, Jacob Fisk
- born 19Aug1841 Reems Creek Valley Burke Co., Nc
- m : WEAVER, William Wiley
- born 19Dec1843
- died 1862 Csa Died Of Pneumonia Following Measles
- f : WEAVER, Cornelia Elizabeth
- m : WEAVER, Cornelius Pittser
- born 13Jul1848 Reems Creek, Burke Co., Nc
- buried River Side Cemetery
- m : WEAVER, Albert Siler
- born 6Jun1850 Reem'S Creek, Buncombe Co.,Nc
- died 22Sep1923 Nc
- f : WEAVER, Sue Ellen
- m : WEAVER, John Henry
- m : WEAVER, James Cambell
- m : WEAVER, George Clinton
- m : WEAVER, Frank Miller
- f : WEAVER, Sallie Fisk
- f : WEAVER, Mary Wylie Thomas
WEAVER, Jacob |
| | BIFFLE, Adam (Biffel)
| | BIFFLE, Elizabeth|
| | HENCKEL, Catherine (Henkle)
WEAVER, John Siler |
| | SILER, Elizabeth
| MILLER, Mary Carmack
Husband: WEAVER, John Siler
- born 22Sep1812 Reems Creek, Burke Co., Nc
- died 15Oct1875
- marr 21Jan1868
- Other wives: MILLER, Mary Carmack;
Wife: MCDOWELL, Mary S.Children:- f : WEAVER, Annie Elizabeth
- f : WEAVER, Irene Mcdowell
- f : WEAVER, Ethel Matilda
WEAVER, Jacob |
| | BIFFLE, Adam (Biffel)
| | BIFFLE, Elizabeth|
| | HENCKEL, Catherine (Henkle)
WEAVER, John Siler|
| | SILER, Elizabeth
Husband: WEAVER, Cornelius Pittser
- born 13Jul1848 Reems Creek, Burke Co., Nc
- buried River Side Cemetery
- marr 2Apr1885
Wife: JACOBS, Emma AdelineChildren:- m : WEAVER, Lawrence Albert
- f : WEAVER, Clara Genevieve
- born 23Aug1887 Nc
- died 13May1924 Richmond, Va
WEAVER, Jacob |
| | BIFFLE, Elizabeth
WEAVER, John Siler |
| | SILER, Elizabeth
WEAVER, Cornelius Pittser|
| | MILLER, Mary Carmack
| JACOBS, Emma Adeline
Husband: WEAVER, Albert Siler
- born 6Jun1850 Reem'S Creek, Buncombe Co.,Nc
- died 22Sep1923 Nc
Wife: BRANK, TabithaChildren:- m : WEAVER, Jacob Fisk
- m : WEAVER, Edgar Cornelius
WEAVER, Jacob |
| | BIFFLE, Elizabeth
WEAVER, John Siler |
| | SILER, Elizabeth
WEAVER, Albert Siler|
| | MILLER, Mary Carmack
| BRANK, Tabitha
Husband: BARNHAM, Sir Francis (Branum)
- buried Knighted In 1603
- marr 3Jan1598 Sevenoaks, Kent, England
Wife: LENNARD, Lady Elizabeth
- buried 19Sep1631 Maidstone, Kent, England
Children:- f : BARNHAM, Margaret
- buried 25Mar1638 Maidstone, Kent, England
- m : BARNHAM, Sir Robert
- died 12Jun1685 Boughton Monchelsea, Kent, England
- m : BARNHAM, Martin
- buried 31Dec1610 Hollingborne,Kent, England
- m : BARNHAM, William
- m : BARNHAM, Dudley
- m : BARNHAM, Martin
- f : BARNHAM, Frances
- m : BARNHAM, John
- m : BARNHAM, Winthrop
- m : BARNHAM, Dacre
- born 1601 Hollingborne,Kent, England
- died 9May1625 Hollingborne,Kent, England
- m : BARNHAM, Edward
- born 1608 Hollingborne,Kent, England
- m : BARNHAM, Francis
- born 1612 Hollingborne,Kent, England
- died Jun1677 Maidstone, Kent, England
- f : BARNHAM, Judith
- born 1615 Hollingborne,Kent, England
- f : BARNHAM, Elizabeth
- born 1617 Hollingborne,Kent, England
- m : BARNUM, Thomas (Barnam)
- born 1625 Hollingbourne, Kent, England
- died 26Dec1695 Danbury, Fairfield, Connecticut
BARNHAM, Sir Francis (Branum)
| LEONARD, Sampson
| LENNARD, Lady Elizabeth |
| DACRE, Baroness
Husband: LEONARD, Sampson
Wife: DACRE, BaronessChildren:- f : LENNARD, Lady Elizabeth
- buried 19Sep1631 Maidstone, Kent, England
Husband: LORD, William
Wife: Children:- m : LORD, Richard
- born May1647 Saybrook, Middlessex, Ct
LORD, Thomas
LORD, William|
Husband: LORD, Thomas
Wife: Children:- m : LORD, William
Husband: HYDE, Thomas
- born 29Jul1699 Norwich, New London Co., Ct
- marr
Wife: HUNTINGTON, Elizabeth
- born 14Aug1716 Norwich, New London Co., Ct
Children:- m : HYDE, Thomas
- born 11May1735 Norwich, New London Co., Ct
- m : HYDE, Jerusha
- born 14Jun1737 Norwich, New London Co., Ct
- f : HYDE, Elizabeth
- born 19Sep1739 Norwich, New London Co., Ct
- f : HYDE, Priscilla
- born 5Mar1742 Norwich, New London Co., Ct
- f : HYDE, Lerviah
- born 15Nov1746 Norwich, New London Co., Ct
- m : HYDE, Zerviah
- born 15Nov1747 Norwich, New London Co., Ct
- m : HYDE, Vaniah
- born 17Dec1750 Norwich, New London Co., Ct
- f : HYDE, Mary
- born 2Nov1754 Norwich, New London Co., Ct
- f : HYDE, Jane
- born 9Jul1757 Norwich, New London Co., Ct
HYDE, William
HYDE, Samuel |
| | _____, Mary_____
HYDE, Thomas |
| | LEE, Thomas
| | LEE, Jane |
| | BROWN, Phoebe
HYDE, Thomas |
| | BACKUS, William (1)
| | BACKUS, Stephen|
| | | | *UNKNOWN, Elizabeth
| | BACKUS, Mary |
| | SPENCER, Jared
| | SPENCER, Sarah |
| | HILL, Hannah
| HUNTINGTON, Elizabeth|
| MILLER, Priscilla
Husband: HUNTINGTON, James
Wife: MILLER, PriscillaChildren:- f : HUNTINGTON, Elizabeth
- born 14Aug1716 Norwich, New London Co., Ct