Bill Hyde Family
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Husband: RAINS, Dale Osborn
Wife: HARRIS, Joanne Anne Bradley
- born 27Oct1941 Scottsville, Allen Co., Ky
RAINS, Isaac David
RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)|
| | ARMSTRONG, Geneva Harrison
RAINS, John Franklin|
| | GREER, Marietta Louisia
RAINS, Dale Osborn |
| | OSBORN, Vera Mae
| HARRIS, Joanne Anne Bradley
Husband: BARDWELL, Curtis W.
- born 16Jul1888 Coffeeville, Yalobusha, Co., Ms
- buried Centuries Memorial, Shreveport, La
- marr 18Dec1915 De Sota Parish, La
Wife: RAINS, Minnie Mae
- born 6Sep1892 Pleasant Hill, Sabine Parish, La
- buried Centuries Memorial, Shreveport, La
Children:- f : BARDWELL, Thelma Rea
- born 13Jan1917 Marshall Harrison Co., Tx
- died 28Sep1997
- m : BARDWELL, Jewel Learue
- f : BARDWELL, Essie Pearl
- f : BARDWELL, Joyce Lavera
- f : BARDWELL, Dorris June
| RAINS, John (Aka James Jackson)
| RAINS, Isaac David |
| | | WHITLOCK, Martha Ann
| RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)|
| | | ARMSTRONG, Geneva Harrison
| RAINS, Minnie Mae |
| GREER, Marietta Louisia
Husband: MORTON, Robert Travis
- born 21Apr1912
- marr 19Jul1935
Wife: BARDWELL, Thelma Rea
- born 13Jan1917 Marshall Harrison Co., Tx
- died 28Sep1997
Children:- m : MORTON, Robert Travis
- born 5Oct1937 Shreveport, Cado Parish, La
- m : MORTON, David Wray
- born 3Jul1940 Shreveport, Cado Parish, La
- m : MORTON, Phillip Mark
- born 18Jul1955 Shreveport, Cado Parish, La
- died
MORTON, Robert Travis
| BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| BARDWELL, Thelma Rea |
| RAINS, Isaac David
| RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)|
| | | ARMSTRONG, Geneva Harrison
| RAINS, Minnie Mae |
| GREER, Marietta Louisia
Husband: MORTON, David Wray
MORTON, Robert Travis
MORTON, David Wray|
| | BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| | BARDWELL, Thelma Rea |
| | RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)
| | RAINS, Minnie Mae |
| | GREER, Marietta Louisia
Husband: MORTON, David Wray
Wife: CHESHIRE, LindaChildren:- m : MORTON, David Wayne
- born 30Jan1968 Shreveport, Cado Parish, La
- m : MORTON, Donald Wray
- born 29Feb1976 Shreveport, Cado Parish, La
MORTON, Robert Travis
MORTON, David Wray|
| | BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| | BARDWELL, Thelma Rea |
| | RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)
| | RAINS, Minnie Mae |
| | GREER, Marietta Louisia
Husband: MORTON, David Wray
Wife: BARKER, Rosemary
MORTON, Robert Travis
MORTON, David Wray|
| | BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| | BARDWELL, Thelma Rea |
| | RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)
| | RAINS, Minnie Mae |
| | GREER, Marietta Louisia
| BARKER, Rosemary
Husband: BARDWELL, Jewel Learue
- born 11May1919
- marr 12Sep1942
Wife: HARRIS, Doris FrancesChildren:- m : BARDWELL, Wayne Learue
- f : BARDWELL, Carol Sue
- f : BARDWELL, Donna Jean
BARDWELL, Jewel Learue|
| | RAINS, Isaac David
| | RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)|
| | | | ARMSTRONG, Geneva Harrison
| | RAINS, Minnie Mae |
| | GREER, Marietta Louisia
| HARRIS, Doris Frances
Husband: BARDWELL, Wayne Learue
Wife: ROSS, AnnChildren:- f : BARDWELL, Julie Ann
BARDWELL, Jewel Learue|
| | RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)
| | RAINS, Minnie Mae |
| | GREER, Marietta Louisia
BARDWELL, Wayne Learue|
| | HARRIS, Doris Frances
| ROSS, Ann
Husband: BARDWELL, Wayne Learue
Wife: HERRIN, Carol DianneChildren:- f : BARDWELL, Avin Denise Wallin
- born 25Aug1970 Adopted Dau.Of Carol
- m : BARDWELL, Curtis James
BARDWELL, Jewel Learue|
| | RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)
| | RAINS, Minnie Mae |
| | GREER, Marietta Louisia
BARDWELL, Wayne Learue|
| | HARRIS, Doris Frances
| HERRIN, Carol Dianne
Husband: CLOTFELTER, Ronnie
Wife: BARDWELL, Julie Ann
| BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| BARDWELL, Jewel Learue|
| | | RAINS, Minnie Mae
| BARDWELL, Wayne Learue|
| | | HARRIS, Doris Frances
| BARDWELL, Julie Ann|
| ROSS, Ann
Husband: MCRAE, Blake Cordle
Wife: BARDWELL, Avin Denise Wallin
- born 25Aug1970 Adopted Dau.Of Carol
Children:- f : MCRAE, Tabiyha Noelle
- m : MCRAE, Phillip Cameron
MCRAE, Blake Cordle
| | BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| BARDWELL, Jewel Learue|
| | | RAINS, Minnie Mae
| BARDWELL, Wayne Learue|
| | | HARRIS, Doris Frances
| BARDWELL, Avin Denise Wallin|
| HERRIN, Carol Dianne
Husband: BARDWELL, Curtis James
- born 4Sep1972
- marr 27Jun1992
Wife: SANDERS, Michelle LisaChildren:- f : BARDWELL, Megan Renee
- born 30Oct1992 Calhoun, Gordon Co
- m : BARDWELL, Sydney Alexis
BARDWELL, Jewel Learue|
| | RAINS, Minnie Mae
BARDWELL, Wayne Learue|
| | HARRIS, Doris Frances
BARDWELL, Curtis James|
| | HERRIN, Carol Dianne
| SANDERS, Michelle Lisa
Husband: PELOT, Lyman Walker
- born 14Sep1951
- marr 27Jun1981
Wife: BARDWELL, Carol SueChildren:- m : PELOT, Matthew Walker
- m : PELOT, Jonathon Paul
PELOT, Lyman Walker
| BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| BARDWELL, Jewel Learue|
| | | RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)
| | | RAINS, Minnie Mae |
| | | GREER, Marietta Louisia
| BARDWELL, Carol Sue|
| HARRIS, Doris Frances
Husband: BAILY, Ronald Douglas
- born 16May1952
- marr 2Dec1973
Wife: BARDWELL, Donna JeanChildren:- f : BAILY, Jennifer Leigh
- f : BAILY, Carmen Rebecca
BAILY, Ronald Douglas
| BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| BARDWELL, Jewel Learue|
| | | RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)
| | | RAINS, Minnie Mae |
| | | GREER, Marietta Louisia
| BARDWELL, Donna Jean |
| HARRIS, Doris Frances
Husband: FAULKNER, Ralph Lamar
Wife: BARDWELL, Essie PearlChildren:- f : FAULKNER, Frances Diane
FAULKNER, Ralph Lamar
| BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| BARDWELL, Essie Pearl|
| RAINS, Isaac David
| RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)|
| | | ARMSTRONG, Geneva Harrison
| RAINS, Minnie Mae |
| GREER, Marietta Louisia
Husband: BURTON, Roy Louis
- born 22Nov1922
- died 15Jan1989
- marr 27Jun1947
Wife: BARDWELL, Essie PearlChildren:- m : BURTON, Curtis Daniel
- m : BURTON, Donald Glen
BURTON, Roy Louis
| BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| BARDWELL, Essie Pearl|
| RAINS, Isaac David
| RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)|
| | | ARMSTRONG, Geneva Harrison
| RAINS, Minnie Mae |
| GREER, Marietta Louisia
Husband: HADDAD, Demitri
- born 25Jun1935
- marr 17Nov1962
Wife: FAULKNER, Frances DianeChildren:- f : HADDAD, Deanna Lynn
- f : HADDAD, Debrah Kaye
HADDAD, Demitri
| FAULKNER, Ralph Lamar
| FAULKNER, Frances Diane|
| BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| BARDWELL, Essie Pearl|
| RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)
| RAINS, Minnie Mae |
| GREER, Marietta Louisia
Husband: GARRETT, William Maston
- born 15Feb1965
- marr 28May1988
Wife: HADDAD, Debrah KayeChildren:- f : GARRETT, Caitlin Marissa
GARRETT, William Maston
| HADDAD, Demitri
| HADDAD, Debrah Kaye |
| FAULKNER, Ralph Lamar
| FAULKNER, Frances Diane|
| BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| BARDWELL, Essie Pearl|
| RAINS, Minnie Mae
Husband: BURTON, Curtis Daniel
Wife: TURNER, CaroleChildren:- f : BURTON, Jennifer Danielle
BURTON, Roy Louis
BURTON, Curtis Daniel|
| | BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| | BARDWELL, Essie Pearl|
| | RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)
| | RAINS, Minnie Mae |
| | GREER, Marietta Louisia
| TURNER, Carole
Husband: BURTON, Curtis Daniel
Wife: GRAF, Coleen
BURTON, Roy Louis
BURTON, Curtis Daniel|
| | BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| | BARDWELL, Essie Pearl|
| | RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)
| | RAINS, Minnie Mae |
| | GREER, Marietta Louisia
| GRAF, Coleen
Husband: BURTON, Curtis Daniel
Wife: CROUCH, Debbie LynneChildren:- f : BURTON, Tonya Lynne
- m : BURTON, Daniel Mckinley
- f : BURTON, Donna Marie
BURTON, Roy Louis
BURTON, Curtis Daniel|
| | BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| | BARDWELL, Essie Pearl|
| | RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)
| | RAINS, Minnie Mae |
| | GREER, Marietta Louisia
| CROUCH, Debbie Lynne
Husband: BURTON, Donald Glen
Wife: ROUSE, HeleneChildren:- f : BURTON, Donella Glen
- m : BURTON, Duane Keith
BURTON, Roy Louis
BURTON, Donald Glen|
| | BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| | BARDWELL, Essie Pearl|
| | RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)
| | RAINS, Minnie Mae |
| | GREER, Marietta Louisia
| ROUSE, Helene
Husband: BURTON, Donald Glen
Wife: DICK, Sharon LatanceChildren:- f : BURTON, Denni Marie
BURTON, Roy Louis
BURTON, Donald Glen |
| | BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| | BARDWELL, Essie Pearl|
| | RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)
| | RAINS, Minnie Mae |
| | GREER, Marietta Louisia
| DICK, Sharon Latance
Husband: WEINER, Milton
- born 14Aug1917 Brookyln, Ny
- died 19May1976
- marr 2May1945
Wife: BARDWELL, Joyce LaveraChildren:- f : WEINER, Judith Rose
- f : WEINER, Nancy Lynn
- f : WEINER, Carole
WEINER, Milton
| BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| BARDWELL, Joyce Lavera|
| RAINS, Isaac David
| RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)|
| | | ARMSTRONG, Geneva Harrison
| RAINS, Minnie Mae |
| GREER, Marietta Louisia
Husband: RAINS, John
Wife: *UNKNOWN, Sophia
RAINS, John(I)(Ca)
RAINS, George |
| | HAMMER, Mary (Ca)
RAINS, Joab |
| | GRAHAM, Richard
| | GRAHAM, Rosanna|
| | *UNKNOWN, Asenth (Asanath)
RAINS, John |
| | ALLRED, Martha
| *UNKNOWN, Sophia
Husband: DAVIS, Donald George
Wife: WEINER, Judith RoseChildren:- m : DAVIS, Jason Hamilton
- f : DAVIS, Allison Maelyn
DAVIS, Donald George
| WEINER, Milton
| WEINER, Judith Rose |
| BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| BARDWELL, Joyce Lavera|
| RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)
| RAINS, Minnie Mae |
| GREER, Marietta Louisia
Husband: PETERSON, Alan
Wife: WEINER, Nancy Lynn
| WEINER, Milton
| WEINER, Nancy Lynn|
| BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| BARDWELL, Joyce Lavera|
| RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)
| RAINS, Minnie Mae |
| GREER, Marietta Louisia
Husband: WANGEL, Hans
Wife: WEINER, Nancy Lynn
| WEINER, Milton
| WEINER, Nancy Lynn|
| BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| BARDWELL, Joyce Lavera|
| RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)
| RAINS, Minnie Mae |
| GREER, Marietta Louisia
Husband: BRIGGIN, Clifford Knight
- born 20Jun1960 Pasadena, Ca
- marr 19May1988
Wife: WEINER, Nancy Lynn
BRIGGIN, Clifford Knight
| WEINER, Milton
| WEINER, Nancy Lynn |
| BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| BARDWELL, Joyce Lavera|
| RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)
| RAINS, Minnie Mae |
| GREER, Marietta Louisia
Husband: MORTON, Robert Travis
- born 5Oct1937 Shreveport, Cado Parish, La
Wife: HOUSTON, Margie Raye
- born 9Jan1939 Shreveport, Cado Parish, La
Children:- f : MORTON, Mary Anne
- born 28Sep1960 Shreveport, Cado Parish, La
- m : MORTON, Michael Glen
- born 26Jul1963 Shreveport, Cado Parish, La
- f : MORTON, Martha Marie
- born 12Aug1964 Shreveport, Cado Parish, La
- m : MORTON, Luke
- born 23Jan1969 Shreveport, Cado Parish, La
MORTON, Robert Travis
MORTON, Robert Travis|
| | BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| | BARDWELL, Thelma Rea |
| | RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)
| | RAINS, Minnie Mae |
| | GREER, Marietta Louisia
| HOUSTON, Margie Raye
Husband: PARAULT, Alver Ray
Wife: MORTON, Mary AnneChildren:- f : PARAULT, Melissa Ann
- born 10Jul1982 Shreveport, Cado Parish, La
PARAULT, Alver Ray
| MORTON, Robert Travis
| MORTON, Robert Travis|
| | | BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| | | BARDWELL, Thelma Rea |
| | | RAINS, Minnie Mae
| MORTON, Mary Anne |
| HOUSTON, Margie Raye
Husband: JOHNSON, Robert Alex
Wife: MORTON, Mary AnneChildren:- f : JOHNSON, Rebecca Nicole
- m : JOHNSON, Robert Kyle
JOHNSON, Robert Alex
| MORTON, Robert Travis
| MORTON, Robert Travis|
| | | BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| | | BARDWELL, Thelma Rea |
| | | RAINS, Minnie Mae
| MORTON, Mary Anne |
| HOUSTON, Margie Raye
Husband: ADRAIN, Ronald Edward
Wife: MORTON, Martha Marie
- born 12Aug1964 Shreveport, Cado Parish, La
Children:- m : ADRAIN, Paul Matthew
- m : ADRAIN, Christopher Michael
- f : ADRAIN, Desiree Theresa
ADRAIN, Ronald Edward
| MORTON, Robert Travis
| MORTON, Robert Travis|
| | | BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| | | BARDWELL, Thelma Rea |
| | | RAINS, Minnie Mae
| MORTON, Martha Marie |
| HOUSTON, Margie Raye
Husband: GRAYSON, Gordon Cleon
- born 24Sep1925 Greenville, Texas
- marr 22Oct1943
Wife: BARDWELL, Dorris JuneChildren:- m : GRAYSON, Gordon Leslie
- f : GRAYSON, Linda Irene
- m : GRAYSON, Charles Steven
- f : GRAYSON, Mary Annette
GRAYSON, Gordon Cleon
| BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| BARDWELL, Dorris June|
| RAINS, Isaac David
| RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)|
| | | ARMSTRONG, Geneva Harrison
| RAINS, Minnie Mae |
| GREER, Marietta Louisia
Husband: WILLIAMS, Leslie Baxter
Wife: BARDWELL, Dorris June
WILLIAMS, Leslie Baxter
| BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| BARDWELL, Dorris June |
| RAINS, Isaac David
| RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)|
| | | ARMSTRONG, Geneva Harrison
| RAINS, Minnie Mae |
| GREER, Marietta Louisia
Husband: GRAYSON, Gordon Leslie
Wife: JORDAN, WendyChildren:- m : GRAYSON, George
GRAYSON, Gordon Cleon
GRAYSON, Gordon Leslie|
| | BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| | BARDWELL, Dorris June|
| | RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)
| | RAINS, Minnie Mae |
| | GREER, Marietta Louisia
| JORDAN, Wendy
Husband: GRAYSON, Gordon Leslie
Wife: PHILLIPS, Mary MargaretChildren:- f : GRAYSON, Mary Frances Mayeaux
GRAYSON, Gordon Cleon
GRAYSON, Gordon Leslie |
| | BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| | BARDWELL, Dorris June|
| | RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)
| | RAINS, Minnie Mae |
| | GREER, Marietta Louisia
| PHILLIPS, Mary Margaret
Husband: NICOLAS, David
Wife: GRAYSON, Linda IreneChildren:- m : NICOLAS, David Ivan
- f : NICOLAS, Amanda Renee
- born 7Mar1973 Shreveport,La
| GRAYSON, Gordon Cleon
| GRAYSON, Linda Irene|
| BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| BARDWELL, Dorris June|
| RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)
| RAINS, Minnie Mae |
| GREER, Marietta Louisia
Husband: PEASE, Russell Alvah
Wife: GRAYSON, Linda Irene
PEASE, Russell Alvah
| GRAYSON, Gordon Cleon
| GRAYSON, Linda Irene|
| BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| BARDWELL, Dorris June|
| RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)
| RAINS, Minnie Mae |
| GREER, Marietta Louisia
Husband: HERNSTEIN, Henery Milling
Wife: GRAYSON, Linda Irene
HERNSTEIN, Henery Milling
| GRAYSON, Gordon Cleon
| GRAYSON, Linda Irene |
| BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| BARDWELL, Dorris June|
| RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)
| RAINS, Minnie Mae |
| GREER, Marietta Louisia
Husband: NICOLAS, David Ivan
Wife: JACOBS, Oneida JillChildren:- f : NICOLAS, Sadie Benet
NICOLAS, David Ivan|
| | GRAYSON, Gordon Cleon
| | GRAYSON, Linda Irene|
| | BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| | BARDWELL, Dorris June|
| | RAINS, Minnie Mae
| JACOBS, Oneida Jill
Husband: GRAYSON, Charles Steven
Wife: TREVANION, CathieChildren:- f : GRAYSON, Linda Celeste
- born 28Jul1972 Shreveport,La
- m : GRAYSON, Paul
- born 30Nov1974 Shreveport,La
- m : GRAYSON, Michael
- born 4Nov1978 Shreveport,La
- m : GRAYSON, Robert
- born 4Nov1978 Shreveport,La
GRAYSON, Gordon Cleon
GRAYSON, Charles Steven|
| | BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| | BARDWELL, Dorris June|
| | RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)
| | RAINS, Minnie Mae |
| | GREER, Marietta Louisia
Husband: *UNKNOWN, Tommy
Wife: GRAYSON, Linda Celeste
- born 28Jul1972 Shreveport,La
| GRAYSON, Gordon Cleon
| GRAYSON, Charles Steven|
| | | BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| | | BARDWELL, Dorris June|
| | | RAINS, Minnie Mae
| GRAYSON, Linda Celeste|
Husband: COOK, Richard
Wife: GRAYSON, Mary Annette
COOK, Richard
| GRAYSON, Gordon Cleon
| GRAYSON, Mary Annette|
| BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| BARDWELL, Dorris June|
| RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)
| RAINS, Minnie Mae |
| GREER, Marietta Louisia
Husband: SCROGGINS, Michael
Wife: GRAYSON, Mary AnnetteChildren:- m : SCROGGINS, Andrew David
- m : SCROGGINS, Peter Daniel
| GRAYSON, Gordon Cleon
| GRAYSON, Mary Annette|
| BARDWELL, Curtis W.
| BARDWELL, Dorris June|
| RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)
| RAINS, Minnie Mae |
| GREER, Marietta Louisia
Husband: RAINS, Dueroy (Buddy)
- born 25Sep1894 Pleasant Hill, Sabine Parish, La
- died 21Jul1965 Pleasant Hill, Sabine Parish, La
- marr 9Mar1913 Pleasant Hill, Sabine Parish, La
Wife: MCELROY, Katie Irene
- born 13Jun1890
- died 2May1964 Pleasant Hill, Sabine Parish, La
Children:- f : RAINS, Leolie Merline
- f : RAINS, Eunice Maurice
- m : RAINS, Earl
- born May1915
- died May1915 Died As Infant
- f : RAINS, Myrtle Nadine
- f : RAINS, Katherine Elaine
- born 7Jan1918 Pleasant Hill, Sabine Parish, La
- f : RAINS, Hazel Bernice
- born 17Oct1924 Pleasant Hill, Sabine Parish, La
- m : RAINS, Nuell Lee
- born 20Feb1927 Pleasant Hill, Sabine Parish, La
- f : RAINS, Katy (Kitty) Ruth
- born 19Sep1929 Pleasant Hill, Sabine Parish, La
RAINS, John (Aka James Jackson)
RAINS, Isaac David |
| | WHITLOCK, Martha Ann
RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)|
| | ARMSTRONG, Geneva Harrison
RAINS, Dueroy (Buddy)|
| | GREER, Marietta Louisia
| MCELROY, Katie Irene
Husband: VICKERS, Volney Jefferson
Wife: RAINS, Eunice MauriceChildren:- m : VICKERS, Travis Allison
- f : VICKERS, Lucy Catherine
- born 3Oct1938 Many, Sabine Parish, La
- f : VICKERS, Linda Frances
- born 14Aug1943 Sabine Parish, La
- f : VICKERS, Margaret Rose
- born 25Aug1946 Many, Sabine Parish, La
- died 11Nov1974 Natchitoches, Natchitoches Parish, La
- f : VICKERS, Donna Maureen
- born 7May1949 Many, Sabine Parish, La
VICKERS, Volney Jefferson
| RAINS, Isaac David
| RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)|
| | | ARMSTRONG, Geneva Harrison
| RAINS, Dueroy (Buddy)|
| | | GREER, Marietta Louisia
| RAINS, Eunice Maurice |
| MCELROY, Katie Irene
Husband: VICKERS, Travis Allison
Wife: GREER, LavernaChildren:- m : VICKERS, Clayton Allison
- m : VICKERS, Stuart Alan
VICKERS, Volney Jefferson
VICKERS, Travis Allison|
| | RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)
| | RAINS, Dueroy (Buddy)|
| | | | GREER, Marietta Louisia
| | RAINS, Eunice Maurice |
| | MCELROY, Katie Irene
| GREER, Laverna
Husband: GRISHAM, Don Larry
Wife: VICKERS, Lucy Catherine
- born 3Oct1938 Many, Sabine Parish, La
Children:- f : GRISHAM, Catherine
- born 12Oct1963 Corpus Christi, Natchez Co., Tx
- m : GRISHAM, Don Jefferson
- born 6May1965 Corpus Christi, Natchez Co., Tx
- m : GRISHAM, James Martin
- born 25Feb1970 Dallas, Dallas Co., Texas
- f : GRISHAM, Bonnie Gail
- born 14May1973 Dallas, Dallas Co., Texas
- f : GRISHAM, Gwyn Rosanne
- born 8Aug1975 Dallas, Dallas Co., Texas
GRISHAM, Don Larry
| VICKERS, Volney Jefferson
| VICKERS, Lucy Catherine|
| RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)
| RAINS, Dueroy (Buddy)|
| | | GREER, Marietta Louisia
| RAINS, Eunice Maurice |
| MCELROY, Katie Irene
Husband: SEAMAN, Gordon Eliot
Wife: VICKERS, Linda Frances
- born 14Aug1943 Sabine Parish, La
Children:- m : SEAMAN, Mark Eliot
- f : SEAMAN, Laura Kaye
- born 4Feb1965 Indianapolis.In
SEAMAN, Gordon Eliot
| VICKERS, Volney Jefferson
| VICKERS, Linda Frances|
| RAINS, John Franklin (Johnnie)
| RAINS, Dueroy (Buddy)|
| | | GREER, Marietta Louisia
| RAINS, Eunice Maurice |
| MCELROY, Katie Irene